Home,  Today's Tenacity

God is Everywhere Even Though We Can’t See Him

God is Like This

Rowena Bennet

I cannot see the wind at all

Or hold it in my hand;

And yet I know there is a wind

Because it swirls the sand.

I know there is a wondrous wind,

Because I glimpse its power

Whenever it bends low a tree

Or sways the smallest flower.

And God is very much like this,

Invisible as air;

I cannot touch or see Him, yet

I know that He is there

Because I glimpse His wondrous works

And goodness everywhere.

(God is Like This, Rowena Bennet)

The Lord is always good and never changing. He is so mighty and majestic that we simply can’t fathom Him in entiredy because we cannot “touch or see Him.” Yet, our faith is not dependant on what we can see, as this beautiful poem illustrates. We don’t believe in God because we can physically see Him, but we believe in God because He opens our eyes to His “goodness everywhere.” His creativity is spread throughout all Creation, including ourselves. His sovereignty is showcased when He “makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan” (Romans 8:28 NLV) His love is displayed in all the people who have received His grace and live to glorify Him!

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” ~Hebrews 11:1 ESV


What is Today’s Tenacity?

Today’s Tenacity is dedicated to my sweet mama. She came up with the name for this fun section of posts on Tenacious Faith Blog.

Today’s Tenacity is another part of Tenacious Faith Blog, featuring an inspirational quote, poem, story or the like with a short commentary and a Bible verse to remind us from whom all this inspiration initially came- God! 🙂

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