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New Roots

Roots grow deep as anchors for our soul. Growing from them are our words, our actions, our habits, and our character. These roots- there mighty tricky. You can’t throw yours seeds anywhere. You have to throw them in the perfect ground underneath the softest rays of sunshine. Then, you have to water them. All these steps help grow your roots.

Where will you lay your seeds? Will you have light shining on them? Where will you get water for them? Do you know your answer to these questions? If not, I invite you to come with me! Lets explore the wisdom for our seeds found in God’s Word.

 In one passage from Matthew 13, Jesus gives a clear, insightful picture of the different grounds in which we can plant our seeds. Click on this link to Matthew 13:1-9  and examine the grounds where you might consider sowing your seeds.

Here’s a list:

(These are the different types of land Jesus mentions in Matthew 13:1-9   and what their seeds produced.)

  • Seeds thrown on the path: Birds came and ate them.
  • Seeds thrown on rocky ground: They sprouted quickly, but withered away when the sun scorched them, because there was no room for any roots to grow.
  • Seeds thrown on thorn bushes: The thorn bushes overtook them and their produce.
  • Seeds thrown on good soil: Plants grew beautifully from the seeds because they had strong roots in the soil.

After observing different places to plant, do you know where you’d throw your seeds? I sure do! I’d throw mine in the good, rich ground, where they will grow deep roots and sprout into lovely crop.

Your plant can grow deep roots in the good soil too. As we have seen, those roots will support your plant, like the roots for your life and faith. You may not know how this all relates to those particular things. That’s OK! Make sure to come back to Tenacious Faith tomorrow, Tuesday, March 13 and we’ll take an even closer look.

For now, why don’t you take a little test drive on your own plant. Just click HERE and learn how to take care of the easy Philodendron. Growing new roots can be hard, but God will show you the way to grow your plant and your faith if you ask Him!

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, thank you for all the wisdom you provide in Your Word. Please give me understanding so that I can learn more about You and where to plant my roots. You are so amazing, Jesus, and I know you will lead me to the perfect foundation for my seeds! In your name I pray. Amen.



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