Create a Well Run Family Relationship

Gather to Feast

   My experience in my own home has shown something great, something worth sharing. Are you ready!?! Get ready!!! Give me your full attention for just one minute. If there is anything worth fighting for, it’s a relationship with your family.

   When it comes to family relationships, put everything else aside and ask God to help build a strong friendship between your family.

Proverbs 17:17

 A friend always loves,
    and a brother is born to share trouble.

   My family has and will forever cherish our mealtimes. A lot of connections start from a conversation during a good meal. We need not only to feast on food, but we need to feast on each other. Dinner is a great time to enjoy your family.

   If your schedule is filled to the top, make a day and mealtime during the week that you have your family sit down together and eat the food that the Lord provided for you. Then, start conversation. Talk to one another.

   It may start as just a couple of words, but be patient. Soon, it will grow to simple chatter. Before you know it, intimate things will flow from the mouths of your children. A lot of memories are made at the dinner table. There will be happy memories. There might be some troublesome memories as well, but in the end, your family will have a special bond that nothing can tear apart!

   Today, I encourage you. Make time for your family. Have a great Tuesday! Thanks for reading! 🙂

Join me in prayer!

Dear gracious Lord, thank you for my family. You have given me an amazing blessing that I shall cherish forever. Give me wisdom and lead me in the path you have prepared for me that I may show my love to my family by bonding and building a relationship with them. In your name we paray. Amen.


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  • Leslie

    I think with fondness of all the meals Papa and I have enjoyed with you and your family! There are wonderful memories and we look forward to making many more! Blessings, my sweet girl! <3

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