
How to Tell Other People About God

  Hello, everybody! How are you today? I would love to hear about it in the comments. Today on Tenacious Faith we are discussing how to tell people about God. I am really looking forward to you reading this article.

  When I was 7 years old, I went to public school and at church, they were encouraging us to tell others about Jesus.  I tried to tell my friends at school about Him and surprisingly,  it wasn’t a lack of courage that was the problem. It was that I didn’t know how to tell them about Jesus. It could be hard to understand that until you have had the experience yourself because when I tired, I just went up and started to tell them what I knew without their attention and without their interest in the subject. Now, today I’m going to teach you a few tricks while explaining exactly how to start and how to end. I think this post will give you a lot of information and inspiration!

    The first step to introducing God into someones life is to get to know them. Maybe, even get to know their own culture. This is important because it gives you an idea of who you’re dealing with. What might offend them when talking about Jesus or how, with they’re personality, will they respond. This will make it a lot easier to explain how God could work in their life. You should also pray continually for them. Maybe it might seem like it doesn’t make much of a difference, but it does!

     Then, the second step is that you have to start showing Jesus through the things you do and you say by genuinely loving them, even if the outcome is that they choose not to know the Lord. I know this will take some courage, but maybe you could pray with them or in some conversation say something like, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good”, a simple phrase to gain their interest.

     Once you have gained their interest, they might start asking questions, but just so you know, they might not because they are afraid. If they do not ask questions,that doesn’t mean all you are doing isn’t working. It means you either need to mention Him more or take a step forward and do some of the suggestions in the next paragraph.

     Whatever the case is, (asking questions or not) it is always a good thing to do the third step, which is to invite them to come to church with you or if they are really interested in the subject you could give them a Bible, but wait on that until you have taken them to church.

       After all this patience and hard work the rest you can do is invite them to church more, keep praying for them, answer any questions about the Lord that they have, and keep on mentioning Him in your conversations…but all the “rest” is now between your friend and God. He is in control and He will make all things well!

      In this post on Tenacious Faith we discussed about how to tell other people about God. I really hope this post inspired you and taught you something useful. I think knowing about “how” to tell other people about God is very important because there is going to come a time when you might have to do just that and churches encourage you, but they do not explain how, especially to the younger ages. If you have any questions about what we discussed today feel free to ask about them in the comments and make sure to like this post. Thanks for reading!

Joshua 1:9

Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”



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  • Leslie

    I’m doing good, Hannah! Excellent article. You are incredibly insightful about the things of God. I’m so glad that you love Jesus! And I love you! WAWA
    PS. Thank you for your thank you note. We received it today in the mail. You are very welcome! Can’t wait to see what else you have on your list!

    • kimberlyawarecoxnet

      I’m so glad you liked the post. I was really inspired to do it because when people encourage you to tell other people about God, you don’t realize what it really takes to introduce Him into someones life until you have done it. Also, if you want to read a little more about it, I would suggest the book, “David Livingstone.” It’s very interesting. Love, Hannah

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