Blog,  Past Events

Christmas Weekly Post- 2 Last Days

   Happy holidays, Tenacious Faith. Oh, how I am so happy to be the writer of this blog, which I love and hope you do as well. Today I have some exciting things to share about, but first I am dying to know about your Christmas. Please, share with me in the comments on Tenacious Faith. Since, I’m sharing all this with you I expect some pay back. 🙂 I really hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas. So, let me tell you about mine. I have pics of all kinds of fun things my family did. Look below and check it out.

  First, I’m sharing about my Christmas Eve and the first thing we did was a little tradition my family has always done. We always have Christmas Eve gifts. So, after we ate breakfast we opened them. Now, I’m old enough to know that our Christmas Eve gifts are probably pajamas so we have something special to go to bed in. This year I was right! This is a pic of my 2 brothers (Ethan and Isaac) and me in our new PJ’s. My littlest brother, Caleb, didn’t put his on, but they are the same as Isaac’s. They’re elf pajamas. Ethan and I got Santa PJ’s.


   The next thing we did was decorate sugar cookies because in my family we’ve made the tradition of putting plates together with a bunch of Christmas cookies and then, delivering them to all the neighbors we can. We make all the cookies ourselves and then, we get candy, we make frosting, and we decorate the sugar cookies, which is so fun to do with our family. It really brings the Christmas spirit into our home. Here are some pictures of us with our cookies.

This is me with a snowman cookie I decorated. I used sprinkles, mini m&ms, mike n’ ikes, and this tart candy for the scarf. I  really enjoyed decorating cookies with my family, as you might be able to tell in the picture. It was just a lot of fun and a new memory I can remember. You know, I think that Jesus is very happy when we spend time with our family, living the amazing life He gives us. So, thank you Jesus for sweets, which we probably eat way too much of, but thank you. Also, thank you for family time, for times like Christmas time. I love you, Lord!





   Here are my three cutest little brothers at the table decorating cookies. The first of my brothers is Ethan. He is almost 8 and he is a wonderful, clever, great little brother. Of course, he gets on my nerves sometimes, but what little brother wouldn’t.

    The second one is my little brother Isaac. He is almost 4 years old and he is smart, funny, and very lovable. I can’t believe how old he’s gotten over the years.

    My last little brother is Caleb. He turned 2 not long ago and he is such a great learner,  he’s strong, and very adorable.


  Those are the best pics I could find of our Christmas Eve morning, decorating cookies, and it was so fun to go deliver them in the afternoon. I think all the neighbors were very happy with our cookies. In case you were wondering, some of the other Christmas treats we made were peanut blossoms (a peanut butter cookie with a heresy kiss on top in the middle of the cookie), healthy thumbprint cookies (an oatmeal cookie with raspberry jam on top in a little hole, made by a thumbprint with peanut butter drizzled on top),windowpane cookies (a chocolate, marshmallow mixture rolled up in wax paper and chilled), peanut butter cup fudge (Reese’s peanut butter cups lied on the bottom of a foil covered pan with a white chocolate fudge mixture on top and the fudge is chilled and cut into bite sized pieces),  Oreo truffles (a cream cheese, crushed Oreo mixture rolled into balls, dipped in melted chocolate and froze), and buckeyes (a peanut butter dough mixture dipped in melted chocolate and chilled). I can’t believe they’re almost all gone!

   So, that was our Christmas Eve morning. For the rest of our Christmas Eve we went to our church’s Christmas Eve service. It was really good. Ethan and I got to go with our parents, but the two littles had to go into Sunday school. Then, on Christmas Eve night we got into our new pajamas and went to our comfortable beds with the wonderful thought that Christmas morning was going to happen the next day. That is such a wonderful feeling. Don’t you think?

    I always have a hard time getting to sleep on the night before Christmas, but this wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t the deep sleep that I might have had, but I’m so thankful that I went to sleep at all. It’s getting easier the older I get. Plus, there is barely any light shinning through the window in the morning with my new black out curtains!

  When I woke up I was the first one to be downstairs and this is what our Christmas tree looked like. It was a magical morning for everyone. For my Santa gift I got a huge teddy bear. I’ve been asking for one for a few years and even though I don’t really play with stuffed animals anymore, it’s “now or never,” as my mama says. I like to cuddle up with it in the corner of my bedroom and read the Bible or a good book. It’s humongous and fun!

   This is Wilbur, my new teddy bear, and me. I’m so thankful for such a wonderful gift. I’m so thankful God gives us all these gifts when it’s His birthday anyway. Thank you, Lord, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


 This is Isaac and Caleb with their Santa gifts. Isaac got a new bike and Caleb got a big truck. Ethan, the oldest little brother, got an in house drone and he’s doing really well with it. He has mastered making it do a flip!

   So, after we opened our Santa gifts we ate a delicious breakfast of egg sausage casserole. It’s casserole with biscuits on the bottom, sausage  in the middle, and egg on top. So delicious! We were also going to get a doughnut to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus, but before we knew it, it was Christmas Eve night and it was too late. Instead, we put a few candles into a piece of yummy casserole and sang to Him. Although, even though it wasn’t a doughnut, I still think Jesus appreciated it. He does so much for us and now on Christmas Day we are the ones who get showered with all the gifts. It just goes to show how kind and merciful God is. Even, with all the horrible stuff we do sometimes He still endures!

    I am so happy with the way my Christmas went. At the end of the day my family came over and my friend, my cousin, and I put on the play of baby Jesus being Born. It was awesome! You know, I can’t believe that Christmas has passed and Jesus was born on Christmas Day. Mary and Joseph had him in this little farm and she wrapped Him in cloth, laying Him in a manger where pigs ate. It didn’t smell good or feel good to sit on the rough hay, but God did it on the lowest point for a king. I mean, Jesus was going to be king and he was born in a manger. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.

   Then, shepherds got told by an angel that this tiny little baby, born in manger, Jesus, was the Savior they’ve been waiting for. Now, this was crazy news and the shepherds were terrified, but they obeyed the angel because they had to see this sight. Can you imagine waiting for more than 400 years for a king to come that was going to rule fairly and justly and finally this king has come? How overjoyed do think those shepherds were? How would you feel? So, as you can see, this was the most wonderful event in all of history and it is celebrated every year at Christmas time!

Happy birthday, Jesus! We want to celebrate you and glorify your great name. Let us pray and share to you our gratitude for you to be our Lord and Savior!

Lord, how thankful I am for your mercy and grace. I am proud to be a child of our’s. Let me go into great praise, for you are king. You are the ultimate. You are wonderful and so is all of your amazing creation. Thank you, for Christmas. Thank you, for having to suffer for us being born on this sinful earth and dying for our sins. We love you, Lord and happy birthday! Amen! 🙂

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