• Pray for Your Siblings

    Prayer- it is powerful! We see that throughout the Bible. Elijah prayed multiple prayers that God answered. Think fire (1 Kings 18:20-40 ESV) and rain (James 5:16-18 ESV).  Genesis 24 records another example when Abraham’s servant prayed that God would show him a good wife for Isaac, and God revealed to him Rebekah. Peter, a disciple of Jesus, whom God used as the building rock of the church, the body of Christ, prayed for God to revive a deceased widow named Tabitha, and He did (Acts 9:36-43 ESV)! What do you think would happen if we prayed daily, fervently, and bodly for our siblings? Lets think about it. Growing Closer to God and…

  • Abiding In God’s Love

    To abide, it’s a funny term, not because of the way it sounds- I actually think it sounds quite elegant- but because we use it very little in our modern English vocabulary.  However, it is important for us to understand because it is used in a very enlightening chapter of John.  In this chapter, Jesus says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love “(15:9 ESV).  Other Bible translations use the verbs “remain,” “continue,” and “live” instead of abide. From these examples, we see that to abide is the active, everyday living; every minute of every day, as we carry out the mundane tasks to…

  • A Spirit Of Power, Love And Self-Control

    At this moment in time, fear constantly spreads as the Coronavirus infects more people. While our lives are threatened by this obstrosity, our earthly securities and comforts have almost been stripped away, too. Yet, through all of this, one thing remains secure, stable, unchanged, and undefiled- our God and Savior, who’s soverienty reigns and who’s love rescues. He calls us not to live in fear. Rather, He wants us to live a Spirit-filled life. As 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT declares, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” This verse signifies who God’s Spirit is and what He can do…