• Abiding In God’s Love

    To abide, it’s a funny term, not because of the way it sounds- I actually think it sounds quite elegant- but because we use it very little in our modern English vocabulary.  However, it is important for us to understand because it is used in a very enlightening chapter of John.  In this chapter, Jesus says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love “(15:9 ESV).  Other Bible translations use the verbs “remain,” “continue,” and “live” instead of abide. From these examples, we see that to abide is the active, everyday living; every minute of every day, as we carry out the mundane tasks to…

  • Jacob’s Dream: A Summary

    “Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.” ~Matthew 18:20 GW One story of Jacob in the Bible reminds me how important this verse is and how much believers take it for granted.  The event occurs in Genesis 28.  Isaac, son of Abraham and father of Jacob and Esau, has grown old and blind.  Both his sons have become men.  The eldest, Esau, marries two Canaanite women.  The Bible tells us, “These women brought Isaac and Rebekah a lot of grief” (26:35).  Experiencing this, Isaac sends Jacob, whom deceitfully acquired his father’s blessing from Esau, away to find a wife related to Jacob’s…

  • God’s Morning Mercy

    Recently, a Bible verse had been ringing in my ear. Although I couldn’t remember its exact words, I knew the gist of the verse. Then, I came upon it, highlighted previously in bright yellow. God must have known that I was searching for it because it was easy to find. The verse rejoices, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV). I can’t help marveling at that Spirit-led shuffle through my Bible’s pages. However, those weren’t the only verses highlighted, and I curiously read through the whole colored part and further into the passage. As I…

  • Studying God’s Word: The Rescources How

    Studying God’s Word can be a marvelous, eye-opening experience like the one I had a few Sundays ago. My family was sitting down to watch my pastor’s online sermon. My pastor taught about a passage of Scripture I had never read before. “Please open your Bibles to Jeremiah 32,” the pastor of my church instructed. In Jeremiah 32, God orders Jeremiah to buy a field. Meanwhile,the Babylonians are preparing to capture the nation of Israel. What a foolish thing to do under the circumstances, you may think, but the pastor pointed out something important. God didn’t want Jeremiah to act based on his own understanding. He wanted him to act…

  • Preparing Our Hearts For Easter

    Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. Yesterday was Good Friday. Tomorrow is Easter. During this holiday season, we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. His sacrfice on the cross means we get to have eternal life if we put our trust in Him. He is the one and only unfailing, eternal hope! The world will try desparately to tell us otherwise. Even our own sinful nature will prove deceitful. It will try and tell us we can save ourselves through great health, popularity, or perfection. It was Jesus’ perfect life on earth that enabled His blood to suffice as a sacrifice for redemption of sin. His body was broken for us, and…

  • Proclaim God’s Greatness #HappyThanksgiving!!

    “Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.     Let the whole world know what he has done.” ~1 Chronicles 16:8 NLT We have an amazing God! We did not deserve salvation or rescue, but He graciously allowed us to be saved through His death upon the cross if we choose to believe in Him. Neither are we worthy by any means to be counted righteous before God. “Yet,” as Colossians 1:22-23 (NLT) explains, “now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him…

  • Spiced Apple Overnight Oats- Delicious, Yet SUPER Nutritous

    Psalm 34:8 rejoices, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Overflowing with kindness and infinite love, God’s goodness is unconditional, and He blesses us daily even when we don’t notice. As the autumn season, marked by gratefulness and thanksgiving, merrily comes along in the year, we are reminded of God’s goodness, grace, and Truth; in that we should sing songs to thank Him for all that He has done. “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!…Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:8, 34). Though it came about…

  • Think About… Whatever Is Honorable #Philippians4:8

    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~Philippians 4:8~ Did you realize that God knows you even better then you know yourself? It’s true! Psalm 139:1-2 records David exclaiming, “O Lord, you have searched me and known me!…you discern my thoughts from afar.” Created by God, you are known and loved by Him. Through entrusting your life to Jesus Christ, He redeems you, comes to live in your heart, and leads you to honor Him with everything you do, even with the thoughts you…

  • God is Everywhere Even Though We Can’t See Him

    God is Like This Rowena Bennet I cannot see the wind at all Or hold it in my hand; And yet I know there is a wind Because it swirls the sand. I know there is a wondrous wind, Because I glimpse its power Whenever it bends low a tree Or sways the smallest flower. And God is very much like this, Invisible as air; I cannot touch or see Him, yet I know that He is there Because I glimpse His wondrous works And goodness everywhere. (God is Like This, Rowena Bennet) The Lord is always good and never changing. He is so mighty and majestic that we simply can’t…

  • Think About… Whatever Is True #Philippians4:8

    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~Philippians 4:8~ Tricky and misguiding, lies disguise themselves in our lives like chameleons camouflage in a tree. Both of their counterfeit appearances seem reliable, but a trained eye can reveal their true colors. For instance, dishonesty can stealthily weave its way into our belief system about God, about ourselves, or about others without us even knowing. They can warp our thoughts and lead us away from the everlasting Truth. The slightest deception we believe…