• Pray for Your Siblings

    Prayer- it is powerful! We see that throughout the Bible. Elijah prayed multiple prayers that God answered. Think fire (1 Kings 18:20-40 ESV) and rain (James 5:16-18 ESV).  Genesis 24 records another example when Abraham’s servant prayed that God would show him a good wife for Isaac, and God revealed to him Rebekah. Peter, a disciple of Jesus, whom God used as the building rock of the church, the body of Christ, prayed for God to revive a deceased widow named Tabitha, and He did (Acts 9:36-43 ESV)! What do you think would happen if we prayed daily, fervently, and bodly for our siblings? Lets think about it. Growing Closer to God and…

  • Cozy Family Gathering

    Flicker! Flicker!  A candle flame flashed before my eyes, set upon the kitchen counter.   As the name portrays, I inhaled the sweet smell of “Cozy Gathering”.  Ahh!  Unlike the idealistic candle theme, the body of Christ isn’t supposed to publicly gather together in most places right now.  That doesn’t mean that God isn’t alive; working in and outside of His people.  Jesus says, “Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20 GW).  Although we aren’t supposed to gather with large groups of people to worship our God, we can come together with our families for Jesus’ namesake and His Spirit will be there…

  • Imitating God To Our Families

    Adopted into God’s family- that is the reality for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ. We are His beloved children, and He is our Heavenly Father. God gave us our immediate families as representations of His large family, which consists of anyone who follows the Messiah. If our Father commands us to treat other believers well, how much more should we treat our immediate fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters well (1 John 4:21 GW). Culture projects family as some sort of nuisance to individuals, but God says that “a brother is born for a time of adversity” (Proverbs 17:17 NIV). Similar to the body of Christ, family is one of God’s…