• Overrated

       Living! How great it feels to be alive. I really can’t tell you exactly how great, mostly because I’ve never been dead before. Have you ever imagined living eternally in heaven? It seems like a very obvious imagination for a Christian, but to be honest, I haven’t intently imagined or thought about it. I’ve had questions about what it will be like, but I’ve never thoroughly imagined it. Now that I think about it, it seems hard to imagine. It will be perfect living. Since I am not perfect, and I’m simply a treacherous, wicked sinner, I can’t imagine heaven perfectly because I’ve never seen perfection.    I think…

  • One Handy Website

       Do ever wish you could have a polite way to send an invitation without mailing it. Well, I have a really Hany website below that I have found to be very useful! I am involved with a home school group and church. They have had some recent events and have used a website called, Evite. I actually just used it myself. So, I thought I would share about this website, so that in the future, you might be able to use this handy tool as well.    Evite is a way to send an invitation. They have all sorts of different invitations all ready for you from which to…

  • Calling all Readers: The Heartfelt Book, Witch of Blackbird Pond

    Calling all readers:     I have an amazing book to share with you all! The Witch of Blackbird Pond (Speare, 1958) was a book I read with my home school co-op. It was fantastic! Elizabeth Speare really takes you into the 17th century.  This book uses excellent and rich vocabulary, which enriches the book furthermore. It takes you into the world of Katherine Tyler, who is referred to as Kit. Kit makes her way to live with her last relatives when her grandfather perishes, where she struggles to fit in.    The Witch of Blackbird Pond doesn’t actually have a witch in the setting, or more importantly encourage witchcraft. Kit befriends…

  • God’s Mysterious Communication

        When you think about having a conversation and talking with the Lord, what do you think of? Well, in order to recognize God’s ways of talking to us we must know who God is. Do you realize that God is this merciful, loving, all-knowing, AWESOME Creator. This King of kings died for us. It’s like dying for a family member, but unlike a sinful human being like us, Jesus rose from the died and will be extolled forever more!      Since God is perfect, we can’t understand His ways completely. God’s ways are mysterious, but they are true and perfect! The person without the Spirit does not…

  • Saturday Smoothies!

       Who doesn’t like a nice cool drink on a hot afternoon? Well, I know I do! After a long week of school you can know access some easy smoothie recipes to enjoy the end of the summer heat! Invite a friend over, get out some pretty glasses and straws, and sit out on the porch! Get ready…

  • Life Essentials

        Life! It’s a gift! The blood of the perfect Lamb was shed for your life! You matter to the Lord. You are precious in his eyes. No matter how old you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you live, or even what sin you have and will  commit, God cares about…YOU! As a matter of fact, he gave you some life essentials to keep you on track!

  • Butter V.S. Shortening, Which One?

     Alright, Tenacious Faith, this is an awesome question for you bakers out there. Butter V.S. shortening, what’s the difference? That’s why I wanted to share some results with you. I’m working on a recipe and I was asking the same question. Then, I turned to google, and yes, I know that google doesn’t have all the answers, but in this case I found an awesome articles that explained the differences perfectly! I have placed the link down below. Who knows? Maybe you’ll need to know the difference soon. 🙂 Butter V.S. Shortening

  • God is Good

       In some recent situations, even though I might not have realized it at the moment, I was doubting the God of the universe. The God who created man, the God who heals. I was doubting Him. For example, I am am a gymnast. I am a good gymnast, but sometimes different moves can be scary, challenging, and hard. I get afraid and anxious to do those challenging moves. Afterwards, every time I have to do one of those difficult moves, I think back and realize that there was nothing to be afraid of because God was beside me.    I let my feelings blind me from what I know.…

  • Happy Birthday, Grandpa

     Hello, Tenacious Faith readers and followers! Today it was my great grandpa’s 80th birthday. We went to a restaurant and celebrated with all my family, including my cousin, Emel. She wants to start reading Tenacious Faith at home. So, as this is, she wanted me to share about her and why she wants to start reading the blog daily. I have to decided to give a interview.   I’m going to ask her questions and I will right the answer down below. What is Emel’s favorite color? Lime green What do you want to be when you grow up? Worker at Legoland Theme Park How old are you? Almost 8…