• New Roots, Part 2

    Seeds can be planted in many different places, but the only place that will produce crop is that of which has rich, luxurious soil.  For example, Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 13:1-9.  He tells us about a farmer who planted seed on a path, rocky ground, thorn bushes, and good soil.  As we reviewed in Tenacious Faith’s latest post New Roots, the good soil was the olny ground where the seeds grew into mighty plants.  We also asked the question, “How does this story relate to our daily lives and our faith?”  Today, we will discuss how the passage relates to both. To start, read Matthew 13:18-23.  After you have finished look…

  • New Roots

    Roots grow deep as anchors for our soul. Growing from them are our words, our actions, our habits, and our character. These roots- there mighty tricky. You can’t throw yours seeds anywhere. You have to throw them in the perfect ground underneath the softest rays of sunshine. Then, you have to water them. All these steps help grow your roots. Where will you lay your seeds? Will you have light shining on them? Where will you get water for them? Do you know your answer to these questions? If not, I invite you to come with me! Lets explore the wisdom for our seeds found in God’s Word.  In one…

  • The CHURCH

    Did you know that all followers of Jesus can be referenced to as the church?  If you are a believer, you are one of God people, apart of many other people who believe. Together, you are the church. Being apart of a local church is not a requirment, but God loves to see us in fellowship with other Christians, which is one reason why we do go to church.  At my church, I have lots of friends, and we are growing in our faith togther.  We share happy times and bad times with each other so that we can learn from one another, and we pray, worship, discuss the pastor’s…

  • Turn to Your God

    Imagine you’re standing in the in the middle of caotic football feild.  It’s only flag football, but your feet are scrambling across the dry grass, trying to catch the ball as it soars through the air. Your heart is pounding and sweat is dripping constantly from your face, wet like water, but sticky as honey.  The ball spirals smoothly through the air, flying fast for you hands.  You reach up, up, up. “Smack!”  The football lands in your hands, but suddenly…  Your poor flag is brutaly yanked by the defender. You may have no idea what I’m saying if you’re not famililar with “football talk.”  Although, if you can even…

  • Brave Faith

    I heard my name being called. Butterflies flew back and forth in my stomach.  I was excited, but nervous.  After all, I was about to meet some new people, who would be in my competition team at our church’s winter camp. My breath steadied, and I stood.  Courageously, I held up my head and began walking toward my team mentors.  When I came face to face with my group, my voice seemed to vanish.  I felt like it was buried deep in the lump that crowded my throat.  I could speak, but my words were meek and seemed unimportant. I recognized the face of one girl.  Besides that, I didn’t…

  • Praise to the Beat

    Music!!! Who loves it?  I do.  I actually play the piano.  It’s a lot of fun.  I have played for a long time, but I never get tired of it.  Unlike a specific food perhaps, that gets kind of boring after you eat it every day for a week, music never gets old! GUESS WHAT!?!  Jesus is just like that!  He never lets you down.  He will always be there for you because He loves you.  Whenever you are having a bad day, He knows. Not only does He know, He sees.  He has felt your pain and you aren’t alone.  Even when you’re having a great day, He’s there! Jesus is soooo great! …

  • All in a Day’s Work

    Christmas truly is the busiest time of the year!  So many fun activities and social events take place.  Shops are filled with people.  The air sings with merriment and joy.  Homes are being furnished with Christmas decorations.  Kitchens are filled with smells of cookies, treats, and food.  Everyone is in great spirits.  It’s Jesus’ birthday after all! In conclusion, Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year!  Since December is so busy, families are spending a lot of time socially.  Friends and relatives call from all corners of the world. Through all the sociability, I think that we sometimes forget what is right at home.  In some schools,…

  • Presents and Jesus

    Presents!  Do you know how much joy presents bring to children on Christmas?  Many smiles stretch across childrens’ faces all around the world at the sight of presents under the Christmas tree.  Presents are a way to spread joy, bond with friends and family, and make memories. I was talking to my Dad about his opinion on presents.  During this conversation, he reminded me that the Wise Men brought gifts to Jesus. Now, Christmas doesn’t have to be all about receiving gifts, but about giving gifts and praising God for the things we do receive. In my opinion, the world has twisted Christmas into some sort of trademark for spending…

  • God’s Wonderful World Outside

       Have you ever sat in a large pasture or field and just breathed God’s presence into your lungs? I’m really considering making the goal to do that soon. Ha Ha! I do strongly feel God’s presence sometimes when I am in the Word or praying, but I’ve never sat and just breathed. What would happen if we just sat and breathed in the Lord’s everlasting peace everyday in the earth He created? Close your eyes. Listen for His voice. Breathe His peace. Over all, reach for Him. God says that if we seek Him we will find Him. Deuteronomy 4:29 But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will…