• Necklace Storage and Display

    A beautiful piece of jewelry is like a marvelous work of art. Both is made with thoughtfulness and creativity. With this new, creative Necklace Storage and Display, you can showcase your jewelry and keep it sparkling! Women have worn all types of shiny, artistic jewelry since before Jesus was born, luxurious necklaces, golden rings and bracelets, embellished earings, and majestic head pieces. Although lots of ancient jewelry was fashioned out of gold, girls presently wear lots of silver. As shown above, those lovely golden bracelets from the stone age aren’t rusty or tarnished. As gold’s properties are the most unreactive to oxygen, it cannot rust. Sadly, today’s jewelry contains all…

  • Great Bible Verses for Any Occasion

    Your taste buds will tickle once you read these great Bible verses for any occasion, which are listed below in categories. Consider jotting them down on some fancy note cards and sticking them around your house with painter’s tape of tacky to remind you of God’s Truth everywhere you look! Don’t forget to read through every one so that you can grasp which ones apply to your life at this moment. Make sure to share these comforting Bible verses with your family and friends as well. Maybe the most unexpected people will come to know Jesus through your share? Places to Display Note card Verses: (Remember to stick in places…

  • Blog Planning Tool

    Are you an armature blogger looking for a way to plan when and how often you post? Maybe you are looking for a way to record ideas and the posts you’ve published on paper? You can now use the Blog Planning Tool I personally designed to plan your posting schedule, record blog post ideas, and track when you’ve published a new post.  The link below might change your life as a blogger forever. All you must do is click the Blog Planning Tool, print the planning sheet, and, finally, start planning! Blog Planning Tool Blog Planning Tool Formatting: The Blog Planning Tool allows use at any point in time. You can…

  • Shining God’s Light Through Our Lives

    Jesus is so glorious, magnificent, and merciful that when we open our hearts to Him and walk with Him, other people can see Him through our lives. Look at it this way: Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior won’t just change your life, but could change the lives of others. I’ve heard the saying, “Did you leave a friend with more of yourself (meaning your own opinion) or did you leave your friend with more of Jesus?” This saying doesn’t implicate that all we can do when having a conversation with a friend is talk specifically about Jesus, but, moreover, to show that friend Jesus’ love through our words…

  • In the Light

    Light is not only a bright ray giving us the ability to clearly see everything around us, but light is warmth, comfort, and beauty. When you’re walking around the house, you need the light; working in the dark would be terribly unconvenient. Though one can function without sunlight, not one can live happily without the Light of the World. Hey, that reminds me of these two Bible verses: In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5 (ESV) [ I Am the Light of the World ] Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in…

  • In the Dark

    In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5 Imagine a penetrating darkness crushing every hint of life in a room with no windows or doors, which means no light. Even a spider could not survive because of the darkness. What if you were trapped in that room? You can see, but you see nothing. You have lungs, but no breath spirals from your nose or blows against your lips. You have ears, but you cannot hear because everything is silent and depressing. You have a working brain, but you can’t think or acquire knowledge.…

  • Chicken Veggie Salad Wrap

    The Chicken Veggie Salad Wrap is a tortilla stuffed with refreshing green vegetables and delicious grilled chicken. Your mouth is awaiting something so amazingly taste worthy, and as many people come into summer, what better burrito could possibly be eaten. This yummy wrap is easy to make, tastes great, and sits well on your stomach. It’s filled with lots of God’s healthy veggies, all of which compliment each other in this particular selection. So… Are you ready to slice, DICE, and chop? Chicken Veggie Wrap: Ingredients: burrito sized tortilla small scoop of sour cream (about a tablespoon) 2/3 c. grilled chicken, cut into strips (make sure they are warm, but not hot) handful of lettuce…

  • Greens Galore- Veggies in the Food You Love

    To explore the beauty of vegetation, we must go back, back, all the way back to the beginning when God created the earth. Genesis 1:11 Then God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation: plants bearing seeds, each according to its own type, and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds, each according to its own type.” And so it was. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations God’s lovely, colorful plants have been around since He spoke them into being. They are around now as well; they are probably on your plate at this very moment waiting to bring nutrition and vitamins into your body. Fruits and vegetables are very good for one’s health, and…

  • Another Egg-cellent Painting- Easter Craft

    Need to get your hands on a fun Easter craft for the whole family? Take a look at these Egg- tastic paintings! With the simple instructions below, your family can have fun decorating giant Easter egg posters with lots of self- customization. Egg- cellent Paintings: DESIGN. Draw a big oval with black marker on a poster board or any paper you have on hand. Inside the oval, design the egg with squiggles and shapes. Use scissors to cut out the oval. Your Easter egg poster is now ready to paint. PAINT. Lay down a paint cloth or newspapers on the floor or table. Squirt fun Easter colored paints on a paper plate.…

  • Egg- cellent Easter Nails

    Are you ready for some fun, funky, and fabulous Easter nails?  Check out these super cute nails with lots of Easter colors and brightness.  As it is the day before Easter, the day we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection, why not begin the celebrating with a little color and fun!?! These EGG- CELLENT Easter nails are a great way to get into the festivities, and with this short tutorial on how to do them, your nails can be raring and ready for Easter Sunday. Sunday is coming quickly! With that said, lets get going. Follow the simple steps below. Easter Nails: GET SUPPLIES READY. First, pick three colors of nail polish that fit your fancy…