• Think About… Whatever Is True #Philippians4:8

    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~Philippians 4:8~ Tricky and misguiding, lies disguise themselves in our lives like chameleons camouflage in a tree. Both of their counterfeit appearances seem reliable, but a trained eye can reveal their true colors. For instance, dishonesty can stealthily weave its way into our belief system about God, about ourselves, or about others without us even knowing. They can warp our thoughts and lead us away from the everlasting Truth. The slightest deception we believe…

  • 5 Ways to Immediately Refocus Your Thoughts #Jesus

    Sometimes, thoughts of worry, guilt, hatred, and more can trap our minds in chaos and anxiety. These thoughts are the result of our sin. Although emotions like anger or fear seem overwhelming, God is bigger than all of them combined. He is mightier than sin, and He is more powerful than death. He even promises to fill our hearts with “power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). I want to share some ways to live that beautiful Truth. Here are 5 ways to immediately refocus your thoughts on Jesus: 5 Ways to Immediately Refocus Your Thoughts: When you struggle with anxiety or dishonoring thoughts, pray about them, first. Ask God to…

  • Healthy Pumpkin Carrot Snack Muffins: Dairy-free & Egg-free

    Packed full of tasty, yet nutritious ingredients, these healthy pumpkin carrot muffins make a wonderful, afternoon snack. They are composed of canned pumpkin, raw carrots, whole grains and oats, fiber-filled flax, and more. Cooperating with dairy and egg allergies, these muffins are quickly stirred together, require only fifteen minutes to bake, and last weeks in the freezer. You will love them!  Preparation: These muffins are whipped up in a couple, simple directions. Below this written tutorial, my recipe for the Healthy Pumpkin Carrot Snack Muffins is provided in a free, printable PDF. All the ingredients and their measurements are specified along with detailed instructions to guide you through the baking…

  • Think About… Directing Our Thoughts On Jesus

    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~Philippians 4:8~ Are you struggling with anxiety? Is fear, sadness, jealousy, or the like overwhelming you? Thoughts can be a pit of darkness, or they can be a source of light. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to direct our thoughts to the Light, Jesus! His name isn’t written specifically, but His entire personality is a perfect representation of the qualities mentioned. By God’s Spirit, lies can be turned into Truth, anxiety into peace, and fear into hope. Discontentment…

  • Fear Erased: Jesus’ Love Covering our Fears

    “I am so afraid…” I’ve sobbed to my mom more than once before. Fear, a natural, human emotion, chains us, weakens us, and leads us into a nasty trap. If I were to write all of my fears on a whiteboard, I would be unable to count them. Although there are so many, Jesus can erase all my fears by covering them in His love. He is bigger than all the worries of this world, and He can erase your fears, too. Identifying Fear: Over and over again, people experience fear. Whenever humans sense something that is or will be hurtful to them, worry often invades their minds. Even dogs show…

  • A Rainy Reminder: God’s Faithfulness Displayed in My Life

    Waking up on a Thursday, the sound of splashing droplets trickled into my ear. All of that cold, gloomy day, it rained. It rained…and rained….and RAINED! On and off, the water sprinkled my backyard. Even into Friday, the weather remained… Can you guess it? The weather remained rainy. (Deep sigh) I never pondered God’s faithfulness during those couple days. I was too focused on my own desires, until the Holy Spirit worked in my heart, opening my eyes and ears. Here’s how it happened: A Surprise Sent From Heaven: Like I mentioned earlier, the rain kept falling. As a desert rat, I disliked the humid air hugging me every time…

  • Abounding in Truth and Grace: Our Heavenly Father

    Recently, my family brought home a new puppy! Sweet as a baby, our little Ginger smiles with dopey eyes and plays with a rambunctious spirit. Occasionally, her harmless nips turn to energetic bites. Although we must teach her mellow play, we accept that her eleven weeks of life on earth haven’t taught her all of the correct behaviors for a dog. Our good, good Father, the Lord God, interacts with us in a similar way. He offers a never-ending thread of Truth and grace that intertwines with one another. At every turn, He feels compassion for our fleshly nature, yet He desires for us to grow in wisdom so that…

  • David’s Beautiful Song to God’s Faithfulness

    Do you ever feel a trembling in your bones like the moment before you bust into a rad dance move? Have you ever imagined the even clapping of your hands sounding in your ear? Do you ever sense the vibration of a vocal cord in your throat being skillfully plucked like a guitar, flowing out your lips in beautiful song? I mentally reenact this scene when I read Psalm 59:16, David’s testament to Jesus’ everlasting promise of salvation for His believers. “But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.”…

  • The Living Redeemer

    “Well I know my Redeemer lives I know my Redeemer lives All of creation testify This life within me cries..” (My Redeemer Lives, Nicole Mullen) Nearing the lazy mid-afternoon, the Holy Spirit began whispering this sweet, sweet melody in my listening ear. Finally, He tenderly placed the triumphant words onto my singing lips, “My Redeemer lives!” It was on my heart to share the Lord’s voice which stirred within me unto you. He reminded me that though His victorious death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice that rendered my salvation, He is not finished working. No, instead He is a living Redeemer. Over and over, He heals hurting people,…

  • God is Our Strength

    Almighty God deeply empowers us, tenaciously protects us, and always mercifully delivers us if we ask despite our dreadful sin. By believing in Him, the Lord becomes our strength because He loves us. Any other strength will fail us, but Christ’s strength is reliable and everlasting all the time and anywhere. Vast amounts of people explain that our strength comes directly from our own being, whether mental or physical. Yet, these deceitful words lie to us. Through these false sayings, the devil attempts to distract us from the strength that only God can gift. However attractive the devil appeals to us, we have to trust in Jesus for the ultimate…