• Cozy Family Gathering

    Flicker! Flicker!  A candle flame flashed before my eyes, set upon the kitchen counter.   As the name portrays, I inhaled the sweet smell of “Cozy Gathering”.  Ahh!  Unlike the idealistic candle theme, the body of Christ isn’t supposed to publicly gather together in most places right now.  That doesn’t mean that God isn’t alive; working in and outside of His people.  Jesus says, “Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20 GW).  Although we aren’t supposed to gather with large groups of people to worship our God, we can come together with our families for Jesus’ namesake and His Spirit will be there…

  • Jacob’s Dream: A Summary

    “Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.” ~Matthew 18:20 GW One story of Jacob in the Bible reminds me how important this verse is and how much believers take it for granted.  The event occurs in Genesis 28.  Isaac, son of Abraham and father of Jacob and Esau, has grown old and blind.  Both his sons have become men.  The eldest, Esau, marries two Canaanite women.  The Bible tells us, “These women brought Isaac and Rebekah a lot of grief” (26:35).  Experiencing this, Isaac sends Jacob, whom deceitfully acquired his father’s blessing from Esau, away to find a wife related to Jacob’s…

  • Imitating God To Our Families

    Adopted into God’s family- that is the reality for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ. We are His beloved children, and He is our Heavenly Father. God gave us our immediate families as representations of His large family, which consists of anyone who follows the Messiah. If our Father commands us to treat other believers well, how much more should we treat our immediate fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters well (1 John 4:21 GW). Culture projects family as some sort of nuisance to individuals, but God says that “a brother is born for a time of adversity” (Proverbs 17:17 NIV). Similar to the body of Christ, family is one of God’s…

  • God’s Morning Mercy

    Recently, a Bible verse had been ringing in my ear. Although I couldn’t remember its exact words, I knew the gist of the verse. Then, I came upon it, highlighted previously in bright yellow. God must have known that I was searching for it because it was easy to find. The verse rejoices, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV). I can’t help marveling at that Spirit-led shuffle through my Bible’s pages. However, those weren’t the only verses highlighted, and I curiously read through the whole colored part and further into the passage. As I…

  • Studying God’s Word: The Rescources How

    Studying God’s Word can be a marvelous, eye-opening experience like the one I had a few Sundays ago. My family was sitting down to watch my pastor’s online sermon. My pastor taught about a passage of Scripture I had never read before. “Please open your Bibles to Jeremiah 32,” the pastor of my church instructed. In Jeremiah 32, God orders Jeremiah to buy a field. Meanwhile,the Babylonians are preparing to capture the nation of Israel. What a foolish thing to do under the circumstances, you may think, but the pastor pointed out something important. God didn’t want Jeremiah to act based on his own understanding. He wanted him to act…

  • Preparing Our Hearts For Easter

    Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. Yesterday was Good Friday. Tomorrow is Easter. During this holiday season, we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. His sacrfice on the cross means we get to have eternal life if we put our trust in Him. He is the one and only unfailing, eternal hope! The world will try desparately to tell us otherwise. Even our own sinful nature will prove deceitful. It will try and tell us we can save ourselves through great health, popularity, or perfection. It was Jesus’ perfect life on earth that enabled His blood to suffice as a sacrifice for redemption of sin. His body was broken for us, and…

  • A Spirit Of Power, Love And Self-Control

    At this moment in time, fear constantly spreads as the Coronavirus infects more people. While our lives are threatened by this obstrosity, our earthly securities and comforts have almost been stripped away, too. Yet, through all of this, one thing remains secure, stable, unchanged, and undefiled- our God and Savior, who’s soverienty reigns and who’s love rescues. He calls us not to live in fear. Rather, He wants us to live a Spirit-filled life. As 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT declares, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” This verse signifies who God’s Spirit is and what He can do…

  • Studying God’s Word: The Reasons Why

    1 In the beginning the Word already existed.     The Word was with God,     and the Word was God. 2 He existed in the beginning with God. 3 God created everything through him,     and nothing was created except through him. 4 The Word gave life to everything that was created,     and his life brought light to everyone. 5 The light shines in the darkness,     and the darkness can never extinguish it. ~John 1:1-5 NLT~ Are there times you struggle to read the Bible consistenly? Maybe you wonder why it is important and how it applies to you. Since I have experienced this before, especially as a young girl, I want to help you understand the importance behind…

  • How God Answered A Servant’s Prayer

    Prayer is powerful because God answers prayers.  There is nothing too big that God’s can’t handle, and there’s nothing too small that escapes His loving care if only we ask for it through prayer, as a servant of Abraham did in Genesis 24:42-46.  This responsible servant was tasked to find a wife for his master’s son Isaac in Abraham’s native land. When he arrived there, he came to a spring. Assuming from the text, this faithful servant wanted to pick just the right wife for Isaac, but how was he supposed to know who to pick. Fortunately, he knew that the God of his master Abraham answers prayers. 42 “I came…

  • God “Flu” to My Rescue- The Power of Prayer

    “For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.” ~Romans 5:10-11 NLT One thing that draws me close to Jesus is the fact that He invites me into a personal relationship with Him. He is my Creator, Father, Lord, Savior, and Friend. He invites you into a personal relationship with Him, too! Deep and intimate, prayer is a very important part of this relationship. The Bible instructs…