• Joy in the Jam

    One of my family’s favorite sayings is that anything “worth it” is usually hard, and anything hard is usally worth it. Although many things are hard, many people take great delight in doing those things. For instance, my brothers think that people on the show “America Ninja Warrior” are pretty cool. So do I. What those athletes do is hard; it’s definetly not easy. However hard, those athletes are also persistent because, as I assume, they love what they do, which makes the difficulty small in comparison to the happiness that comes from doing it. As a personal example, I love to run. I can emphatically tell you that running…

  • A Kitchen Challenge

    Gluten forms, air creates blubbles, carbon dioxide gas fills the bubbles… and silence… until about an hour later. More bubbles have formed… and squish, squash, you knead the dough and form a loaf of bread. More silence follows. Beep! The oven is hot and the ball of doughy chemical reactions enters the box of heat where even more chemical reactions will soldify that flour, water, yeast concoction into a real loaf of bread. It is all chemistry. God created chemistry and we get to experience it first-hand in the kitchen, whether we are the cook or, one might specualate, the eater. Mama with a family to feed, you are a…

  • Running the Race this Next School Year

    I love to run! I learned that running was special to me last year. Since then, I have been running, running, running as much as I can (and is smart). You may or may not like to run, but the ideas of running apply to life in many ways. For example, running builds the character quality of endurance. Yes, runners must endure the physical hardships of their sport, but running is also a huge mental game. A great runner’s mind must remain focused on the goal when the body is tired. God’s Word proclaims something that will change your mindset of your entire life whether you consider yourself an avid…

  • Fund Pureflix- Media Influences You

    I decided to wear a summer dress to my piano lesson; not for any specific reason, but just because it was nice ouside and I wanted to wear something out of the norm and beautiful. When I arrived, my piano teacher commented on how nice I looked and asked me if I was going anywhere special after my lesson. Oh, no! She thinks I might be going on a date or something. I thought. Of course, I had no proof of this except for my age, but why would I think such a thing. I do not even have any plans of “dating” except for the man God leads me to marry…

  • Trusting God on the Run

    God can reveal Himself in the most mind-blowing ways, some small, others big. Afterall, Deuteronomy 7:21 (GW) says, “… He is a great and awe-inspiring God.” This past weekend, I experienced the kindness of God while on a run. Cool and brisk, the morning wind blew strongly against my face as I ran beside my mom and dog. My hair was braided, and I wore a head band around my ears. Determined, I focused intently on the path ahead of me. Halfway through the run, we changed directions. The powerful breeze was now against our backs, and I began to feel hot as the sun shone down on us. Consequently,…

  • A Brotherly Act of Love

    “I won’t eat it!” my 6-year-old brother defiantly resolved. Caleb was refering to a perfectly round, deliciously juicy green apple (one of his favorites), but the apple contained one flaw he refused to ignore- a large, discolored bruise right smack-dab in the middle of the apple. Little mister made this statement just as my family was pulling out of our driveway on the way to church. “Eat around the bruise,” I advised, but Caleb had other ideas. “No,” he declared, “I have to get a new one.” “Just eat around the bruise,” our dad shouted to the back of the car, but Caleb still refused. He asked to drive back…

  • Christmas Family Devotionals

    I can’t believe it is officially Chistmas time! This morning, at breakfast, my family began our Christmas devotioal: the Jesse tree. Unlike other times, the message really hit me hard. Additionally, it was a very sweet time for my family. My 6 and 7-year-old brothers often have difficulty sitting quietly, but this occasion was different. Gathered around the table, we read the devotional together. It related  how God created the universe and our sin not only separated us from Him, but broke His heart because we rejected and disobeyed our holy, perfect God, who’s command was for our good. We then listened to some verses in the Bible. This afternoon,…

  • A Little Change to the Blog

    Hi, readers and friends! I hope this blog post finds you enjoying a lovely day. Entering the new school year has been very exciting for me. So many new oppurtunities and activities for which I am extremely grateful have filled my schedule. They have also made me very busy! For this season of my life, blog posts will not look as they have during the past year. Instead, I will be writing shorter “Thought of the Day” journal-type posts. I hope you will enjoy these as much as you enjoy article-type posts. The goal of them remains the same: to encourage girls to grow closer to the Lord. As 1…

  • Pray for Your Siblings

    Prayer- it is powerful! We see that throughout the Bible. Elijah prayed multiple prayers that God answered. Think fire (1 Kings 18:20-40 ESV) and rain (James 5:16-18 ESV).  Genesis 24 records another example when Abraham’s servant prayed that God would show him a good wife for Isaac, and God revealed to him Rebekah. Peter, a disciple of Jesus, whom God used as the building rock of the church, the body of Christ, prayed for God to revive a deceased widow named Tabitha, and He did (Acts 9:36-43 ESV)! What do you think would happen if we prayed daily, fervently, and bodly for our siblings? Lets think about it. Growing Closer to God and…

  • Abiding In God’s Love

    To abide, it’s a funny term, not because of the way it sounds- I actually think it sounds quite elegant- but because we use it very little in our modern English vocabulary.  However, it is important for us to understand because it is used in a very enlightening chapter of John.  In this chapter, Jesus says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love “(15:9 ESV).  Other Bible translations use the verbs “remain,” “continue,” and “live” instead of abide. From these examples, we see that to abide is the active, everyday living; every minute of every day, as we carry out the mundane tasks to…