• Jesus Has A Plan For Our Lives

        Today on Tenacious Faith we are discussing an important topic on how Jesus has a plan for our lives. The main point with this post is that things can be stressful and hard, but Jesus has a plan for our lives and He will take good care of us.      Did you know, ever since I’ve been doing Tenacious Faith I’ve felt closer than I ever have to Jesus because I write about Him constantly and now whenever something seems hard or stressful I just close my eyes and pray to myself telling Jesus that I know He is in control. I tell Him that whatever He’s…

  • Event Category

      Hello, new comers. My name is Hannah and I am the writer of Tenacious Faith. In this post I wanted to tell you about one more category I added. The category is events. In this category I will post an event that Tenacious Faith is doing for that season. Sometimes there will not be any thing in this category because the event wraps up before the season’s over. I really hope you enjoy the events that I choose and you have a lot of fun doing them. Thanks for reading!


             Merry Christmas Tenacious Faith. This is my blog’s first Christmas. So, for this exciting event we’re doing a Christmas Countdown!!! I think that this is going to be a lot of fun. You may print this image or go along with it on the blog. If you print this image you can either cross off the circles or you can glue cotton balls to make Santa’s beard. If you decide to go along with it on the blog I will cross off those days every four days until Christmas. I hope you’ll join us in this fun event. Thanks for participating! Merry Christmas!!! Here are some funny…

  • Thankful for Thanks Giving

         So, this past Thursday we celebrated Thanks Giving. As Christians we see Thanks Giving as a great time to show all we’re thankful for. Today we’re talking about why it is so important to be thankful for all you have.    Did you know in some places people don’t have toys, things to be clean, they don’t have cloths or food either. In the Bible Jesus says to be thankful. He explains that those who are contented with what they have are blessed, but those who are greedy and beg for more will not be satisfied. Being contented means to be happy and joyful with what you have. So,…

  • Extras-TF

       So, real quick, I want to talk about extras. So, extras are posts that I am going to post for fun they are not apart of my weekly post. This is actually an extra because it needs to get out there. I think this will be really fun and inspiring. I’m hoping that it will make you happy when you see that there’s more than just one post.

  • All About Tenacious Faith

       Hi, my name is Hannah and I’m the writer of Tenacious Faith. This category is specially for you to get to know Tenacious Faith and what it’s about. So, first, I want to say that Tenacious Faith is all about encouraging young girls to grow closer to the Lord. I’m a christian young lady at the age of ten and in this blog it is my goal to help other girls to find favor and hope in Jesus. If you would like to know more about me check out the “About” page for more info.      On Tenacious Faith I do all kinds of things! I have designed…

  • TF Daily Newsletter

    Welcome to Tenacious Faith’s Newsletter! We are so excited to have you and hope you enjoy it. Tenacious Faith blog is all about growing yourself and heart in the Lord. Did you know that when we call Jesus Lord we are calling Him Savior, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Lord, means all these things. This newsletter is a fun thing we do on TF (Tenacious Faith). Today you’ll find a fun story, an interesting recipe, a poem, and new coming posts. Have Fun! Trusting Forever      Once upon a time there lived a  beautiful princess named Fiona. She loved the Lord and all He made. From the tiny, little…

  • Funny Photos-TF

        Today I want to do something fun. So, I have some funny photos to share and make you laugh. I hope you enjoy them!      So, these are purple bean enchiladas. So fun! So yummy! My mom accidentally bought fat free beans for her enchiladas and when we cut into them the beans were purple. Can you imagine?      This picture is just a meal my mom made that I wanted to share. Super yummy! It’s Chicken Alfredo and sauteed mushrooms and asparagus. As you can see everyone enjoyed it! DElISH!     So, I made some super cool cupcakes, that I want to share,pumpkin cupcakes. Super…

  • Happy Birthday, Grandma-TF

           So, today is my great grandma’s 80th birthday and I just want to say in this post how much we love you, Grandma Marge. Congratulations! You only turn 80 once so I want to applaud you and congratulate you. You’ve been a wonderful wife, grandparent, and so much more. We love you so much. Happy Birthday!

  • Why Do We Go To Church-TF

           Happy Sunday! How is everyone? Today we are talking about a very important subject. Why we go to church. Well, why do we go to church? It’s because: We need fellowship with other people It shows respect to God It gives us the opportunity to tithe and praise God      Lets talk about number 1, we need fellowship with other people. Fellowship is the social time we spend with other people. The reason we need fellowship is because God made us to be friends, to have fun together, and to praise him together. It’s not only good for our soul it pleases him.      Number…