• God is Good

       In some recent situations, even though I might not have realized it at the moment, I was doubting the God of the universe. The God who created man, the God who heals. I was doubting Him. For example, I am am a gymnast. I am a good gymnast, but sometimes different moves can be scary, challenging, and hard. I get afraid and anxious to do those challenging moves. Afterwards, every time I have to do one of those difficult moves, I think back and realize that there was nothing to be afraid of because God was beside me.    I let my feelings blind me from what I know.…

  • Prayer (January 26, 2018)

     Dear Jesus, thank you for this day and all the blessings that you give. Thank you for loving us when we fall short. Jesus, we can’t do it alone, but You are our strength. Please help us to trust You no matter what point we are in life. You hold us in Your hands. You are so great, that none could, can, or will overcome You, because You have already won the battle. We love you! In your name we pray. Amen.  

  • Happy Birthday, Grandpa

     Hello, Tenacious Faith readers and followers! Today it was my great grandpa’s 80th birthday. We went to a restaurant and celebrated with all my family, including my cousin, Emel. She wants to start reading Tenacious Faith at home. So, as this is, she wanted me to share about her and why she wants to start reading the blog daily. I have to decided to give a interview.   I’m going to ask her questions and I will right the answer down below. What is Emel’s favorite color? Lime green What do you want to be when you grow up? Worker at Legoland Theme Park How old are you? Almost 8…

  • Happy Good Friday!!!

      Happy Good Friday to everyone. Today, 2,000 years ago, Jesus, God’s one and only son, who came down to earth as fully human and fully God, died on the cross and washed away all our sins. Whether you’re a Christian or not, Jesus took the punishment of your sins for you. Many people celebrate Easter, the day which Jesus Christ rose from the dead, every April 16, but many of us forget to pay attention to what  Jesus did three days earlier. Today, I’m going to tell you a little story. I’m going to tell you what Good Friday is all about.   This all started when the first…

  • Firm Foundation

       What kind of people do you hang out with? How many of your thoughts focus on God? How many of the activities you do benefit Him? These are questions you might ask to find out where the foundation of your life stands.     The foundation of your life is important because like a house it holds up the whole thing. If your foundation is built on sand it will fall down. If it’s built on a hard rock it will stay standing. Which one is your foundation on and where do you want it? The best foundation for any life is the Rock Of God. We know this…

  • TF Daily Newsletter-

    Welcome to the TF Daily Newsletter, a fun little newsletter that I do on Tenacious Faith. I think you will find many things that will inspire you on this newsletter! If you look down below you’ll find a fantastic story, a new recipe, a peaceful poem, and new coming posts. Have lots of fun! The Sword In The Stone    One snowy, Christmas day in London, there stood a grand church yard where many troubled people gathered together. For their beloved king had just died and they mourned for him, but they also longed to have a new one. Although they had no idea who to chose since there was…

  • Valentine’s Day-Jesus is MY Friend/Bracelets

        Who are you to Jesus? What does He want from you? You might ask these questions about what you are to God sometimes. The funny thing is, a lot of times when we ask that question we don’t know that the thing Jesus really wants from us is our friendship. Valentine’s Day might seem to us as a day for young couples to show how much they love each other or a day to show family how much you love them. Well, you should definitely show how much you love your family, but you can also show how much you love Jesus. In fact, you can show Him…

  • Making a Friend-TF

       One of the really important adventures that I want to share with you is something I recently experienced, how to make a good friend. Since I’ve been home schooled I’ve been with a home school group with lots of other home schooled kids, but then my group changed. You see, every Monday I went […]

  • TF Daily Newsletter-God Takes Care of Us No Matter What

    This is the Tenacious Faith Newsletter, which is posted every 3 weeks and is a little notification of new posts with some fun bonus things. Today on the TF Daily Newsletter you will get to read an intriguing story relating to the one on the last newsletter, you will also be reading a fun, easy recipe for mini ice cream cake surprises. Then, you will read a cute poem, and find out about new coming posts for the nest three weeks. I would answer questions, but we don’t have any this week. Have fun! Geraldine’s Find     Today was a new day for Geraldine Wellen. After all the things…

  • Fun Twists to My Week

           Need some lift in your step, some spunky twists to add to your week…well, you are in the right place. Today on Tenacious Faith I’m sharing some spunky twists that have made my day over the weeks. Get ready to witness some awesome pics from pic collage, some exciting events, and lots of praise to the Lord for such memories you and I can enjoy…all on this post!       Number one, done in my hair by my amazing mother, the braided pigtails. A nice, comfortable hairdo that you might even want to try. Instructions are just down below. You will be amazed when this hairdo is…