• We Did Not Evolve!

    Most health and fitness experts out there come from a worldview where each of us has evolved into the species with the characteristics we have today from a more simplistic species long ago. Yet, they are shocked and amazed at the intricate masterpiece the human body is. Although the characteristics of people (and any other species) may have changed slightly from generation to generation, the truth is that we did not evolve. We were created by a marvelous God, who also created the universe and every species on it. He made humans to bear His image and pursued a relationship with them that is accessible to each of us! “So…

  • make up equipments

    My New Favorite Lip Product: Lone Lip Balm

    Do you struggle with finding quality lip products that are effective, but void of ingredients you can’t pronounce? I’ve been there. That’s why I wanted to share about my new favorite line of all-natural lip product: Lone Lip Balm. Unlike many advertisements, a paycheck is not on its way to my bank account for sharing about this product. Instead, I was searching for a lip balm with all-natural ingredients that was moisturizing, fragrant, and safe for sensitive skin. I picked up a tube of Lone Lip Balm from the Natural Grocers near my house 4-6 months ago. I loved it! This blog contains my praises, comments, and tips for using…

  • Scripture Memorization Tips

    “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;    bind them around your neck;    write them on the tablet of your heart.” ~Proverbs 3:3 ESV God’s steadfast love and faithfulness ought to be our most treasured piece of jewelry. In Hebrew, steadfast love is the word hesed. It represents the deep, enduring love of a personal connection. (A wonderful book to learn more about this meaningful Hebrew concept is The Other Half of the Church.) Faithfulness is the Hebrew word emeth, denoting firmness and truth as well, according to Strong’s Concordence. If you think about it, Scripture is one magnificient way God has revealed His love and faithfulness to us. Through it, He connects with…

  • The Best Avocado Toast

    Yesterday, I got a hankering for a good slice of avocado toast, so I made this delicious recipe that I want to share with you! It is super nutritious, tasty, and makes a great side dish. Plus, it only requires a few minutes to prepare when you are in a rush. Avocado toast is a simple dish, but this recipe bumps it up a level! Ingredients: Instructions: This recipe would make a great snack or side dish because it contains healthy carbohydrates and fats, two essential food groups to a balanced diet. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! Until next time… “The Lord bless you and keep you;the Lord make his face to…

  • Resting in God

    “Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land.” ~Mark 6:45-47 This morning, I read these Bible verses. Contextually, Jesus had sent His twelve disciples out to heal people, cast out demons, and encourage individuls to repent. The group- Jesus and His disciples- met back together. Mark 6:31 records Jesus instructing His disciples to go to a desolate place because there…

  • Kale Watermelon Smoothie!

    Hello, readers! It’s been awhile since I posted anything. Life has been crazy busy, but I find myself having a moment this afternoon to share a yummy, healthy smoothie recipe I formed this morning. This recipe can be modified to your liking. It combines ingredients that are a wonderful way to start your day. I personally drank this smoothie for breakfast with some eggs after a light run. How will you drink it? Start thinking about that because you should try it tomorrow! Kale Watermelon Smoothie (This recipe is adapted from this high protien blueberry kale smoothie recipe on TheLemonBowl.com.): Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/2 ripe banana 1…

  • Fear and Tenacity

    This morning the pastor at my church talked about fearing God, taking Him and what He says seriously. Funny enough, the verse of the day on Biblegateway.com is Deuteronomy 13:4, “You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.” This launches me into the story about why Tenacious Faith Blog has the name it does. When I was younger, “tenacious” was one of my vocabulary words for homeschool. Since then, it has been my favorite word. Simultaneously, I wanted this blog to be about faith, about encouraging girls to grow closer to the Lord.…

  • Muffin Madness

    Autumn equals muffin season! Whenever someone asks what I most like to bake, I say muffins. Whether or not you feel the same, autumn truly is the perfect time to bake muffins. Their flavors vary from sweet and spicy, warm and chocolately, or fresh and fruity. For me, both autumn and muffins stir up feelings of warmth in my spirit, tastes of cinnamon on my tongue, and smells of home-baked goodness in my nose.  Come autumn, orange, yellow, and crimson leaves blanket the ground. Chilly breezes invite cloudy skies and light rains. Warm homes welcome families into the sitting or dining room, and a home is made to feel even…

  • Autumn Thoughts

    Many people say that Christianity is a religion, but I contend that Christianity is much more than a religion. A religion a particular set of beliefs a person has and the actions they take based off of them, in other words, a sub set of a person’s life. Christianity, on the other hand, infiltrates a person’s life, affecting every thought, opinion, and action. That’s because Chrisitianity is a relationship, a deep, personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. After all, Jesus said, “Abide in me and I in you” (John 15:4-5). He said if you want to follow Him, His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30), meaning…

  • Emmanuel and Seasons

    ~A Poem About My Hope in Seasons~   Seasons come, seasons go. Wintry nights, spring blooms, summer sun, autum leaves. Smiles beam, tears flow. Mother says, “This too shall pass.” Every season on earth, every season in life,  Like the blink of an eye winks on by. It makes me cry. Yet in the valley or on the mountain, I cry tears of joy For Emmanuel, God with us, The hope within me, The spring of living water overflowing with each moment That contains so many dreams and fears, yet passes so fast. Moments like rubber stretching and shrinking, stretching and shrinking. In the stretch, remembrance dawns of God my…