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Fund Pureflix- Media Influences You

I decided to wear a summer dress to my piano lesson; not for any specific reason, but just because it was nice ouside and I wanted to wear something out of the norm and beautiful. When I arrived, my piano teacher commented on how nice I looked and asked me if I was going anywhere special after my lesson. Oh, no! She thinks I might be going on a date or something. I thought. Of course, I had no proof of this except for my age, but why would I think such a thing. I do not even have any plans of “dating” except for the man God leads me to marry way far in the future, but then I thought about the show I had recently been watching with my siblings. It contained a lot of boy drama, and since the events of the show were resinating on my mind, I figured that it must have contributed to this passing thought.

What media influences you?

My experience that morning of my piano lesson shows how much media- the media which we choose to watch or hear- influences our thinking. All media influences our thinking: social media, tv, and even books. The Bible says, “Buy the truth and do not sell it— wisdom, instruction and insight as well” (Proverbs 23:23 NIV). Think about the television services for which you pay. This verse may not be refering to literally “buying” the truth with actual money, but it brings somthing important to our attention- what media influences you for which you actually pay? Maybe you pay for Netflix, Prime Video, or Hulu.

All of these services have a main goal- to get the most money by providing what viewers want to see. The problem is that a lot of mainstream tv does not portray a Biblical worldview, but one that is contrary to what the Bible says is right and true. This does not glorify God, but dishonors Him. Neither does it help us “to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” (Titus 2:12 NIV).

Pureflix is a better influence.

Now, I am not saying that all of the tv shows and movies on television services like Netflix, Prime Video, and Hulu are bad or that you can not watch them (Only you know what God has convicted you of what you should and should not watch.), but there is a tv service that strives to have appropriate content with reference to God. This service is Pureflix. My family pays for Pureflix, but we still pay for other tv services. That’s because Pureflix is not as good quality as the large tv services I mentioned above. The only way it can become better is if more people use it. That is why I have a challenge for you today- do one or more of the four things listed below.

Fund Pureflix:

  1. Donate money to Pureflix.
  2. Add Pureflix to your television services.
  3. If money is a problem, stop paying for one of the television services you currently have and use that money to pay for Pureflix.
  4. Don’t pay for tv in your home? No problem! Show this blog to the person who does.:)

The more viewers and money Pureflix has, the better service and content it can provide. Think about the television you let influence your thinking. Pray about what is ok, or what you need to change. Start watching a new show or movie on Pureflix. The show that my siblings and I were watching from a different television service was not a bad or inappropriate show; it just had a lot of boy drama that I did not realize how much was influencing my mind. However, God used it to remind me to, Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3-4 NIV).

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