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A Cold Heart: Joy Found in the Lord

Yesterday morning, I awoke from an uneasy sleep. My nose was clogged with the makings of a cold, my throat parched from the night air swirling inside my bedroom, and my heart feeling just as sick as my body did. To clarify, it was only the case of a minor cold, but quite unpleasuable just the same. On the other hand, my mind lingered in saddness and irritation, not for any particular reason, but with lack of joy. Funny enough, God had been stirring in my heart during the past few day about finding joy through Him. Now, I really felt His movement amid my soul.

In desparation, I opened my Bible randomly to Psalm 90. Previously, I had felt stubborn. God wanted me to be joyful, providing multiple oppurtunities for me to release my selfishness, discontent, and gloominess; He even allowed me to read an article, specifically about joyfulness, in my favorite magazine. (It’s called Focus On The Family’s Brio. A subscription to this fantastic, faith-based magazine inspiring teen girls in their walk with God would be a great Christmas gift for any girl in that age-group, by the way!😉) I just refused, but God didn’t lose His patience with me.

He showed me Psalm 90:14, where Moses prays earnestly to the Lord, “Satisfy us every morning with your mercy so that we may sing joyfully and rejoice all our days.” At last! This Bible verse struck me like a lightening bolt. In that moment, the Lord restored my depressed spirit.

I think God orchestrated my cold to humble me. I might have needed healing physically, but I desparately needed it spiritually. Once I let go of my own way, God satisfied my discontentment by His mercy and filled me with a joyful song.

Ever Felt Down In The Dumps???

Have you ever felt stuck in your own emotions and stubborn towards what God is telling you? I hope that this blog post has encouraged you to seek Him in those times of despair. As Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Also remerber Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28-30,”Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” In summary, a cold heart admonishes joy. Instead of holding tight to our yoke of sin, we must surrender to Christ. Then, He will satisfy us with His mercy, fill us with rejoicing, and give us rest!

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