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A Rainy Reminder: God’s Faithfulness Displayed in My Life

Waking up on a Thursday, the sound of splashing droplets trickled into my ear. All of that cold, gloomy day, it rained. It rained…and rained….and RAINED! On and off, the water sprinkled my backyard. Even into Friday, the weather remained… Can you guess it? The weather remained rainy. (Deep sigh) I never pondered God’s faithfulness during those couple days. I was too focused on my own desires, until the Holy Spirit worked in my heart, opening my eyes and ears. Here’s how it happened:

A Surprise Sent From Heaven:

Like I mentioned earlier, the rain kept falling. As a desert rat, I disliked the humid air hugging me every time I stepped outside the door. The plants must have praised God, but I certainly didn’t participate. Then, I turned on Philips, Craig, and Dean Radio on Pandora. Relaxed and content, I messed with my new puppy on the living room floor, and God surprised me with a reminder…

This song began playing on the radio. Believe it or not, I had never heard it before, but was struck by the name “Pour My Love On You.” God was reminding me of His faithfulness. Not only was He pouring rain on the earth to tend the ground, but He was pouring His love, Truth, and grace on my soul. What a memorable moment! My dad, who was with me, didn’t notice this miracle. Clearly, God was trying speak to me, as if to whisper, “Hannah, no need to pout. I got this! My hand is protecting you from the storm.”

Psalm 91:4 explains this lovely truth, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and armor.”

God’s Daily Reminders:

God constantly reminds us of His faithfulness in little and big things. Maybe you have experienced a small, but enlightening blessing like I did on that rainy day. Wouldn’t you agree that most often God pours out His kindness on us, but we are too distracted to pay attention? Sometimes, life gets busy, and we become wrapped up in the daily routine. Continually, the world changes, but one thing never changes- the God of Ages, who came down from Heaven to take on the terrors of death itself. If only believers will seek the Lord, He will reveal Himself  to them and through them in marvelous ways. Right now, He may be moving in your life for the greater good. Take a moment to breathe and pray with some musical inspiration below. Be on the look-out for God’s faithful reminders. Who knows? They might just appear on a rainy day.

(Want to explore God’s faithfulness in more depth? THIS POST might help!)


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