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David’s Beautiful Song to God’s Faithfulness

Do you ever feel a trembling in your bones like the moment before you bust into a rad dance move? Have you ever imagined the even clapping of your hands sounding in your ear? Do you ever sense the vibration of a vocal cord in your throat being skillfully plucked like a guitar, flowing out your lips in beautiful song? I mentally reenact this scene when I read Psalm 59:16, David’s testament to Jesus’ everlasting promise of salvation for His believers.

“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.”

~Psalm 59:16 ESV (This is the Verse of Today from

Witnessing David’s Struggle:

During the writing of this Scripture, David is poetically jotting down this passage as he desperately cries out to the Lord to save him from the men Saul has sent to destroy him.

Pretend you are a witness, a juvenile guard, to David’s faithful waiting in prayer. Perhaps you, a foreigner captured in a past war, stand along a stone wall, bestowed with the task of protecting the honest servant from destruction. Although the fortress is sturdy, you acknowledge that eventually it will fail. While David seems perfectly content, you worry for his life.


Peeking over at his writings, you feel utterly bewildered at this boy’s giant faith. You doubt this unknown God, and you see no indestructible refuge in place. You can only physically see the rocky barrier. Your heart also carries a bigger burden, the spies lurking at every corner. Even though the stronghold is towering, it brings no pinnacle of peace to your unsettled mind.

“How can David see, but still be so calm and, moreover, joyful?” you question yourself.

After a long, tiring night of careful guarding, you see David awake from a short nap. He rubs his eyes, smiles timidly, and then bounds away into another room, where he is alone.

A moment later, you hear singing. The young man praises His God for His steadfast love and strength. A grin spreads across your face and you do a little jiggle in your tight stance. Happily, you lean back on the wall, a peace drifting over you as if it were sent from Heaven. You are finally assured that the Lord will carry David through this trouble.

God Will Deliver His Followers in 2019:

Coming back into realization, I glance at Psalm 59:16 once more. This beautiful song testifies to a faithful promise, a covenant with God’s followers that if He delivered David from the hands of Saul, He can deliver His children in 2019 and so on. His protection may not appear the way you expect. Neither will it always be a smooth ride past the heartache of this world, but the Lord’s ultimate promise will still prevail…  “’For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.'” (John 3:16)

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