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Necklace Storage and Display

A beautiful piece of jewelry is like a marvelous work of art. Both is made with thoughtfulness and creativity. With this new, creative Necklace Storage and Display, you can showcase your jewelry and keep it sparkling!

Viking, Stone Age, Bronze, Gold, Golden, Scandinavian

Women have worn all types of shiny, artistic jewelry since before Jesus was born, luxurious necklaces, golden rings and bracelets, embellished earings, and majestic head pieces. Although lots of ancient jewelry was fashioned out of gold, girls presently wear lots of silver. As shown above, those lovely golden bracelets from the stone age aren’t rusty or tarnished. As gold’s properties are the most unreactive to oxygen, it cannot rust. Sadly, today’s jewelry contains all kinds of elements mixed together, resulting in rusty and tarnished metals that must be kept in airtight spaces where oxygen can’t soil them.

You may have some tarnished jewelry right now. Here’s an awesome solution to store and display your jewelry in a way to keep them elegant and gleaming. Take a look!

Medicine Cabinet Makeover – Necklace Storage and Display

Install this simple, yet ultra efficient necklace storage and display in your bathroom right away! It is easy and takes little time with these clarifying instructions.

Supplies Needed:

  • Necklaces
  • Command Hooks (Choose the smallest size hooks. They don’t need to be extra sturdy, just able to hold your necklaces. You want to be able to close the medicine cabinet easily when cabinet makeover is finished.)
  • Note cards (optional)
  • Colored pens, pencils, etc. (optional)


(Reading all the instructions before beginning the process is smart.😉)

  1. After you have gathered all your supplies, open up the medicine cabinet. You should be looking at the back of the cabinet door, since that is where your necklace storage and display will be.
  2. Hold up your necklaces to the back of the door and decide where each one should hang. Some necklaces, depending on their length, will hang from a hook from the top of the cabinet door, and some might hang lower where you can conveniently reach them. Keep in mind the necklaces’ length, how many necklaces you have, and how comfortably you can access them when choosing where to display your necklaces.
  3. Stick as many Command Hooks as needed where you want your necklaces to hang. To stick the Command Hooks, follow the directions in the Command Hooks’ package. You may want two or three necklaces to hang on the same hook or you may not.
  4. Finally, give your necklaces a shine and hang them on your new necklace storage and display!
  5. Complete the display by writing your favorite verses on some fancy note cards with colorful pens or pencils. Laminate if desired and stick your notecards on the back of the medicine cabinet around the necklaces with painter’s tape or tacky. (Click HERE to find some awesome verses for your necklace storage and display!) Now, stand back and take a look at your beautifully done medicine cabinet makeover!
~Psalm 27:4~
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.”


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