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In the Dark

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:4-5

Imagine a penetrating darkness crushing every hint of life in a room with no windows or doors, which means no light. Even a spider could not survive because of the darkness. What if you were trapped in that room? You can see, but you see nothing. You have lungs, but no breath spirals from your nose or blows against your lips. You have ears, but you cannot hear because everything is silent and depressing. You have a working brain, but you can’t think or acquire knowledge. In this room, your mind is so clouded by darkness, and your heart is hard like stone, making it impossible to love.

It is not only dark, but cold in that pit since there is no warmth from the sunlight. You may be without sunlight at this very moment. You may be trapped in that never-ending darkness, wishing that you could see the light. It’s a pit of death without a Savior. Yet, there is a Savior and I have the privilege of sharing His love, that you may want to meet Him. His name is Jesus, and He is the one and only true God. To give you a mental picture, imagine this:

You are sitting in that dark room without an ounce of strength running through your bones; you’re not alive, but dead and buried beneath sin and guilt. Though, all of a sudden, the earth quakes underneath your lifeless body, and a hand smashes through the wall, resulting in a flood of light. The mighty hand belongs to the Messiah, who comes to you, cleanses your dirty hands, and makes you alive in Him!

Can you imagine the joy? This is who Jesus is, and He is waiting for you with open arms. Yes, chasing after His open arms will change your life forevermore. It may turn it upside down for some time,  but “Oh the joy that’s found in surrendering my crowns.” (Have It All- Bethel Music) (song found HERE) You can lay down your crown as the ruler of your heart and let God take over by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Sometimes, it’s not easy to follow Jesus Christ, but He offers something way greater then our fallen world could ever offer. He blesses His followers with eternal life in Heaven with Him!

Today, we talked about accepting Jesus as one’s Lord and Savior. One thing to take with you from this post is that following Jesus will change your life, and sometimes that can sound scarey. You may have to make some changes to your lifestyle in order to honor the Lord in whichever area God calls you to change, or you may suffer for your faith. These things happen, but Jesus promises this in the Bible:

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Plus, God also promises eternal life, and that is something worth fighting for!

Dear Jesus, thank you for your love and your open arms. Help us to seek you at all times, and let you reign over our lives. We love you, Jesus! Your Hands are so mighty, and Your Love is so powerful. In Your Name we pray. Amen.

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