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New Roots, Part 2

Seeds can be planted in many different places, but the only place that will produce crop is that of which has rich, luxurious soil.  For example, Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 13:1-9.  He tells us about a farmer who planted seed on a path, rocky ground, thorn bushes, and good soil.  As we reviewed in Tenacious Faith’s latest post New Roots, the good soil was the olny ground where the seeds grew into mighty plants.  We also asked the question, “How does this story relate to our daily lives and our faith?”  Today, we will discuss how the passage relates to both.

To start, read Matthew 13:18-23.  After you have finished look at the list below showing the meaning behind each seeded ground.

Here’s a list:

  • Seeds thrown on the path equal a person who hears about Jesus, but doesn’t believe. So, the devil takes away the seed that could have sprouted into a strong faith.
  • Seeds thrown on rocky ground equal a person who accepts Jesus happily, but when someone persecutes him because of his faith he turns from the Lord.
  • Seeds thrown on thorn bushes equal a person who hears about Jesus, but lets his own fleshly desires push Jesus away.
  • Seeds thrown on the good soil equal a person who hears about Jesus and believes in Him. “This is the one who produces crop, yeilding a hundred, sixtly, or thirty times what was sown.” (Matthew 13:23)

Do you know which person you are?  If you have planted your seed on the path, in rocky places, or on thorn bushes, you must know that Jesus is compassionate and you can plant a new seed in the good soil with His help.

Psalm 86:15

But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

Recently, I posted about The CHURCH.  I explained the need for fellowship with other followers of Jesus through a passage in Acts 2.  One of best starting places for planting your seed in the good ground is getting invovled in a faithful church. There, you will be surrounded by people who love the Lord and will go with you on your journey of faith.  Make sure you come back to the blog this coming Saturady for another short post, discussing the ministry and our responsibility to spread the Gospel.

The Good News of Jesus may have already reached you.  If you have began planting your seed in the good soil, I encourage you to continue to grow with prayer and love for the Lord, Jesus Christ!  He loves you so much, and He is watching over you as your roots expand and strengthen in His overwhelming love.

Lets pray!

Dear Jesus, thank you for leading me through my journey of faith! If I haven’t accepted you as my Lord and Savior, please help me to open my heart to You. Please surround me with people who love You too. You are so great and compassionate. I love you! In Your name, Amen.

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