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Philodendrons are your best friends. They are so easy to grow, and they produce such beauty and fullness in a single leaf. Recently, I talked about growing New Roots, and today you can learn how to grow your own right at home! Just take a peek at the simple intructions for your Philodendron below.



  1. Go to a local all-purpose store and pick out your own baby Philodendron, a small pot, and some soil.
  2. Begin planting process by filling your pot with soil almost to the top. With your hands, create a small hole in the center of the dirt. Take the square of soil holding your Philodendron from the Philodendron’s container. Place the Philodendron in the hole and push soil around the plant to secure it. (This step is a quick process. It is good to have aother person help.)
  3. The Philodendron is a sturdy plant. After you plant it, water the surface of soil in small measurements until you see water come out on the bottom plate of the pot. plateDo this same step every week, considering that is all the water the Philodendron needs. (The Philodendron is very forgiving. If you don’t water it one week, there’s no need to worry. You can water it the next week unless you feel the plant is in desperate need of water. I water my Philodendron when the soil gets nice and dry anyways.)
  4. Keep your plant indoors by a window where it can recieve a little sunshine. PicCollage (20)When it has grown as shown , cut a snippet from the plant and place it in a cup of water. Once it has a strong tangle of roots, you can follow the same steps, taking the Philodendron out of the water and placing it in a new pot as you did with the first one in step 2.regrowthphilodendron
  5. For fun, give your plant a name and place a postcard beside the pot with Matthew 13:8 written on it. The verse will remind you what Jesus says in His Word about your seeds!

Notes: Eventually, you may need to switch to a bigger pot. If you do this in future, just follow the same prededures as you did in step 2.

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