Blog,  Life

God’s Mysterious Communication

    When you think about having a conversation and talking with the Lord, what do you think of? Well, in order to recognize God’s ways of talking to us we must know who God is. Do you realize that God is this merciful, loving, all-knowing, AWESOME Creator. This King of kings died for us. It’s like dying for a family member, but unlike a sinful human being like us, Jesus rose from the died and will be extolled forever more!

     Since God is perfect, we can’t understand His ways completely. God’s ways are mysterious, but they are true and perfect!

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:14

   God talks to us in many ways. He talked directly to many people in the Bible, but He doesn’t do that as often today. A lot of times, God will talk to you through other people, in the things they say or by their actions. There is a wonderful series called, Viking Raiders “Johnson, 2003.” I’ve only read two, but love them. They are about a brother and a sister who are captured by vikings. They must trust God to carry them through their trials and keep them safe. I will put the link below for the first book.

Viking Raiders: Book One

    God also talks to you using His words from the Bible. This is why it is important that you read your Bible. Whether you read your Bible or not, salvation isn’t an issue as long as you believe that Jesus is who He says He is. You read your Bible because it renews your soul, and it is a guide for your entire life! Check out a later post, which explains about ways to grow your relationship in the Lord.

Life Essentials

   These are just a couple of ways that God talks and shows His love for you. I want to challenge you to look for ways that God is communicating to you this next week. See if God is trying to tell you something!

   I would love to hear how you liked this post in the comments, and if you would like to see more. Remember, it’s all for the glory of God! Thanks for reading!

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

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