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Mini Ice Cream Cake Surprise

   These lovable little cakes can be made within minutes, but can be enjoyed for night after night! You don’t have to spend a lot of time baking and dirtying the kitchen with these little no-bake treats! Take this easy recipe, get out some ice cream, and enjoy!



  • package strawberry short cakes
  • your choice of ice cream
  • reddi whip
  • maraschino cherries


  • chocolate sauce
  • caramel sauce
  • mini chocolate chips


  1. Take your ice cream and your shortcakes out and get started by making sure the ice cream is nice and soft. If an adult can easily scoop some out then you are ready for the next step. If your ice cream is pretty frozen you can stick it in the microwave for intervals of ten seconds until it is nice and soft.
  2. Once you are done with the first step you can take a spoon full of ice cream and place it in the hole of the short cake. Then, smooth it over so it will look nice and pretty when you are done. Do this with all your cakes and then stick them in the freezer until right before you eat them.
  3. When you are ready to eat them you can shake your reddi whip, take the cap off, face the tip of the bottle down to your ice cream surprise, and press the tip sideways almost. Next, you can just hold it, pressing the tip almost sideways, and the reddi whip should squirt out nicely over top your ice cream. Continue to do this till all your strawberry shortcakes have a lovely squirting on top. If you are confused with this step make sure to a grown-up for help. They can thoroughly teach you how to do it right.
  4. Your mini ice cream cake surprises are almost done. All you need to do is add the finishing touch. If you have at least one optional ingredient you may pour or sprinkle it on top and then you can finish it off with a maraschino cherry on top. Now, your dessert id ready and you can enjoy!

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