Blog,  Life

Life Essentials

    Life! It’s a gift! The blood of the perfect Lamb was shed for your life! You matter to the Lord. You are precious in his eyes. No matter how old you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you live, or even what sin you have and will  commit, God cares about…YOU! As a matter of fact, he gave you some life essentials to keep you on track!

    Most everything you read on Tenacious Faith is a life essential. Even if it’s just a little detail, it still makes a difference. If you eat rice, it tastes kind of plain. Doesn’t it? That’s why we put salt on rice. Salt is just a small speck, a little detail, but it makes a huge difference.

   God has also given you the Bible, His word. His Word is not like our words. It’s always Truth. It always points back to the Maker, the perfect, unchangeable, unending, God, with His immortal love for you and all who He has created. This is great news, you guys. I really want to encourage you to read your Bible. It’s better than anything I could ever write. After all, it’s God’s Word, like we talked about. All you have to do is start by reading one to three verses a night. From personal experience, I can tell you that His Word is satisfying, and it brings joy and hope to your soul, yet it will renews a  broken soul. It’s powerful!

  One last life essential I want to talk about is the Holy Spirit. We believe in a tribune God. We have God, The Father, God, The Son (Jesus), and God, The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives inside of you if you accept God as your Savior. God lives in your heart, and you can communicate with Him through prayer. Check out a later post about how God speaks to you, God’s Mysterious Communication. 

   The more time you spent with the Lord, the stronger faith you’ll develop, and the closer relationship you’ll build with Him. He loves..YOU! Thanks for reading Tenacious Faith today! I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, and that it has been encouragement for your soul. Make sure you leave with a like or comment if you would like to see more posts! Have a wonderful night!

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