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Guest Article: Age 16+

   Welcome back to Tenacious Faith! This is our only guest article this fall! It’s written by an inspiring woman named, Leslie (she is also my grandmother!!!) So, thanks so much, Leslie/Wawa for writing our guest article this fall! Enjoy reading the inspiring incite and hope that this intelligent woman provides that you can apply to your daily life!

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Oh, God, my Father,
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!

Lyrics by Thomas Obediah Chisholm


I woke up this morning singing this song. It has been one of my favorite hymns since childhood. As I reflect on the words, I am reminded over and over again about God’s faithfulness to me.  While the world around me is constantly shifting and moving, God never changes for He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8)

That is so incredibly refreshing to me. There are days when I awaken and think, “Today I’m going to be the best I can be!”  I always mess up no matter how hard I try.  Without the Holy Spirit’s help, I can do nothing on my own. And once again, I rejoice in that He never changes! He is faithful even when I am faithless!  My sin tendencies always get me in trouble, but thankfully, God is merciful and faithful every single day.

There are many times in my life, as well, when I have been concerned about the safety of my children and grandchildren or I have allowed worry to saturate my life because I’m worried about money being available to pay bills. Fear sets in and Satan gets a hold of my thought life as I fall deeper and deeper into the pit of doubt that God cannot handle the big and little things in my life.  The darkness pours in and life seems out of control.  As I remember those times that have kept me in doubt, I am reminded that God came through every time! It may not have been like I thought it would be or it may have come later than I thought it would, but God was ALWAYS faithful in each instance.

A few years ago, I had major surgery. When it comes to physical pain, I’m a terribly impatient patient. Resting and recovering for several weeks, I found myself crying out to God to help me. As I leaned into Jesus, I found that my spirit calmed and the God of all healing carried me through my pain and brought complete healing to me.  You see, “He is faithful!”

There is a question that lingers, though.  What if He doesn’t bring healing? What if He doesn’t provide the money for those bills or the safety for my family members? Does that mean that He is not faithful?  Of course, not!  His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! (Isaiah 55:8-9)  He always has a purpose and a plan for our lives.  So, therefore, I will trust in Him and know that His ways are best.  Can I really think that way? Not on my own, but with His Spirit’s help I can!
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.


And so, I continue to sing this song with all my heart!  I rejoice that He is faithful, that He never turns His face from me, He never changes, He is always compassionate and merciful towards me and that is forever!

Do you know the One of Whom I speak? If not, you can be assured that He is faithful and that He longs for you to know Him! Any doubts can be erased in knowing Him as Savior and King. I encourage you to trust in Him today. I can attest to that, for GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!!

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