Blog,  Life

God is Good

   In some recent situations, even though I might not have realized it at the moment, I was doubting the God of the universe. The God who created man, the God who heals. I was doubting Him. For example, I am am a gymnast. I am a good gymnast, but sometimes different moves can be scary, challenging, and hard. I get afraid and anxious to do those challenging moves. Afterwards, every time I have to do one of those difficult moves, I think back and realize that there was nothing to be afraid of because God was beside me.

   I let my feelings blind me from what I know. What do I know? I know that the Lord is in control, and He knows the future. He has a plan. He will not harm me. He is GOOD!

   Try thinking about it this way. This earth is a sinful world. The devil runs it. In conclusion, that means that troubling things will happen to us, but God already knows what is going to go wrong.  If He is in control, why do we even think about doubting him? God allows those things to happen, because this earth is already broken, and He has better place prepared for us than this world. The devil has already lost the war. He is defeated, and the victory is God’s!


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

 There are a couple of ways to help control your fear and your anxious soul. One way that I always find helpful is to talk about it. Tell your mom and/or dad about your fear. They are here to guide you.

  Another way is to pray. Go and pray to the Lord! The last way is to go straight to the Bible and just read. The Lord will make known to you what He wants you to see.

   As you can see, God is for you, and He loves every single one of you. Take heart and let God take control of your life! I encourage you, trust the Lord! He is your everything! Your present help in times of trouble! If you have any questions, or something you want to talk about related to this subject and/or fear. I would love to hear from you.

  I also have a quick announcement! Tenacious Faith is going to have two opportunities for two of our readers to have their own article posted right here on the blog. Your article must be on a God related experience to be posted. Anyone is eligible, no matter the age.  The only requirement is that you are a follower of Tenacious Faith via email. If you would still like to enter the contest, but you are not a follower yet, you can click on the link down below, scroll down, and find the follow button.

Find the Follow Button by Clicking Here

   You can send in your article through the contact page. Once I receive your articles, Tenacious Faith’s Prayer Team will vote on them. The two most liked articles will be posted on September 20th of 2017. I will be posting all about the contest again soon  as well as on this post. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am so excited to see the turn out of this contest. Good luck and thanks for reading!

Lets end with a prayer!

Dear Lord, please help us too trust you. You are good, and we need to remember that. Thank you for your goodness! Please bless all these articles that brave woman and young girls are writing as well.

In your name we pray,


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  • Leslie

    HI Hannah! I love this blog. Fear should never be our main focus as Jesus wipes away ALL fear. There is no fear in His perfect love. I would love to blog but I’m still thinking about what I would write. I’m prayerfully thinking it over. Love you bunches! Wawa

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