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Happy Good Friday!!!

  Happy Good Friday to everyone. Today, 2,000 years ago, Jesus, God’s one and only son, who came down to earth as fully human and fully God, died on the cross and washed away all our sins. Whether you’re a Christian or not, Jesus took the punishment of your sins for you. Many people celebrate Easter, the day which Jesus Christ rose from the dead, every April 16, but many of us forget to pay attention to what  Jesus did three days earlier. Today, I’m going to tell you a little story. I’m going to tell you what Good Friday is all about.

  This all started when the first humans God put on earth, Adam and Eve, sinned against Him. All of us know that someday we are going to die. This is the wage of sin. God made each and every one one of us and He loves us, whether you’ve done something wrong or you feel like you’re not good enough. He loves YOU! So, He made a plan to save you from your sins and have eternal life with Him in heaven. He made this plan so that all you have to do is believe that Jesus is truly God, and that He died on the cross to save your sins, and He rose again. In John 14:6 it says:

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

  His plan was send down Jesus to earth, where He would be crucified, but this wasn’t the end of the story. Three days later Jesus would rise from the dead. Many generations later, a child was born. He was the Savior and His name was Jesus. Probably, when Jesus was in his thirties, the religious leaders became mad with Jesus. They became upset with Him when He proclaimed their ways were wrong. Though, even though they knew this for themselves, they decided that they did not want to repent of their savage ways, and they wanted to keep doing the wrong they were committing.

 So, they turned against Him and told Pilate, who was a governor in the area, that Jesus was saying that He was God, and according to their laws that was a crime. According to their laws, since it was a crime, Jesus must be crucified. Pilate questioned Jesus, but found no guilt in Him.

  When he took Jesus out to the crowd, saying he found no guilt in Him, they kept urging, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” Pilate gave in, but said that they would have to do it because He still found no guilt in Him.

  Jesus was stripped of His garments, and He had to wear a crown made of thorns. He even had to carry a cross He was going to be killed on, up to where He was going to be crucified. His hands were nailed to that cross, and He hung there with the words above His head, “King of the Jews.” There, after some last words and a suck of sour wine from a sponge, Jesus said, “It is finished.” He bowed His head, and that was His death.

  That’s why we have to remember Good Friday. That is what it is all about. Of course, we celebrate Easter three days later, when Jesus rose from the dead, but can you imagine what He went through on the day He was crucified?

 It makes me want to cry out and say, “Thank you! Thank you Lord for dying on the cross to save my sins. I believe you are truly God, and I believe you died on the cross to save my sins. You are all-powerful. You are in control. You are my strength. You are my salvation. You are my hero. You are King. You. Are. God.”

  So, would you please bow your heads with me and say a prayer. Then, there a link below for a song on youtube I would like you to listen to, and on your own I hope you will thank Jesus for all He had done for you! Thanks for reading!

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am amazed by you. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. Without you I would be lost, but with you I am found. Help me Good Friday and what you did on the cross, please.

In your name I pray,



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