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Valentine’s Day-Jesus is MY Friend/Bracelets

    Who are you to Jesus? What does He want from you? You might ask these questions about what you are to God sometimes. The funny thing is, a lot of times when we ask that question we don’t know that the thing Jesus really wants from us is our friendship. Valentine’s Day might seem to us as a day for young couples to show how much they love each other or a day to show family how much you love them. Well, you should definitely show how much you love your family, but you can also show how much you love Jesus. In fact, you can show Him that every day!

    Jesus wants to know you and He wants to have a relationship with you! You are so special to Him. One of the best ways to have a relationship with God is to read your Bible. You could read it before you go to sleep or when you wake up. Enhance yourself with His word. When you read your Bible you are actually getting to know God just like you would for a friend you have on earth. You know, not long ago I started reading my Bible everyday and I became more interested in His word, which has kept me reading to this day!

This is my Bible for girls. It’s a study Bible and I have really liked it! It has little boxes you can read in the morning, and it has little boxes called “Be The Best You Can Be” that give you a little lesson so you can do just that. It also has pictures, and it has little boxes called “Women’s World” that tell you about what it was like for women back in Bible times.  It has a few more things, but these are the things that I really thought was cool about this study Bible. My Bible was purchased from Barnes and Nobles, but is is made by Baker Books. I highly recommend this study Bible for suggested ages, 9-12. You can take a look at it by using the link below!  

Here is the link to purchase this amazing study Bible today: 

   Another way you can show Jesus how much His friendship means to you and how much you love Him is to talk to Him. Getting to know someone is not the only thing you have to do to have a friendship with them. You also have to talk to them and communicate with them. It’s the exact same way with Jesus.

   You have to pray and talk to Him. Now, praying isn’t something you only do before meals or when you are thankful for something. It’s the way Jesus communicates with us. You can tell Him anything. You can tell Him your darkest secrets, you can confess your wrong doings to Him, and you can also just have a simple conversation with Him by telling how your day was. All these things count. Jesus wants to be your very best friend.

    One other thing you can do to show God you love Him is to respect and honor His creation. That means to take care of all the things He’s given you and respect them. One thing He has given us is our parents. So, if your parents tell you to pick up your room you should probably do it because that’s honoring one of God’s creations. You can do these things everyday!

   God wants to have a relationship with you. By doing one of the things that you just read you show Him how much you love Him and how much His friendship means to you. Let’s try to make God an important relationship in our lives that we can have forever! 

  I have a little surprise for you that you can order soon from this post so that you can even show others how much you love God…BRACELETS! You can check this surprise out on March 1st. I hope you have lots of fun with it!

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