TF Daily Newsletter

TF Daily Newsletter-God Takes Care of Us No Matter What

This is the Tenacious Faith Newsletter, which is posted every 3 weeks and is a little notification of new posts with some fun bonus things. Today on the TF Daily Newsletter you will get to read an intriguing story relating to the one on the last newsletter, you will also be reading a fun, easy recipe for mini ice cream cake surprises. Then, you will read a cute poem, and find out about new coming posts for the nest three weeks. I would answer questions, but we don’t have any this week. Have fun!

Geraldine’s Find

    Today was a new day for Geraldine Wellen. After all the things she’s gone through, today was new and she was very excited. For today was the day her grandma was coming home from a nursing home that had been her home for 2 years while she was ill. Geraldine was left behind with their cranky neighbor, Mrs. Falcom, who’s real name was Dora, but she didn’t like her name. So, everybody just called her Mrs. Falcom. Geraldine had figured this out when she was living with Mrs. Falcom, but the very moment Geraldine had the money, she moved into her own house.

    Geraldine’s new house was divided into four rooms. The first one, the one you enter when you go in, was her main area. The first thing you would see when you walked in was a little couch with a bench beside it against the wall. Then, if you turned left you would see a round table with 4 dainty, little chairs around it. When you were walking left, if you turned right, you would see her kitchen. It had some counter space with a boiler/stove and a little refrigerator, where she kept her cold items, against the wall. Right before it, was a rectangular table that she used as extra counter space to prepare food. After that, if you took a right you would see her wash area, containing a bucket for soap and water and a line to hang her clothes. You would also see a door that led to a tiny little bathroom.

      The last two rooms were located on the left of the table and the kitchen. The one left of the kitchen had a tidy, little bed, a dainty side table, a dresser, and a big rocking chair in the corner of the room. This room was reserved for Geraldine’s grandma. The room left of the table held a comfortable bed, a side table, a desk, and two dressers. One for Geraldine’s clothes and one for other stuff. As you might have guessed, this was Geraldine’s room.

    Soon after Geraldine finished getting her grandma’s room ready, she came with a great big greeting at the door. Geraldine looked at her grandma.

     “Are okay, grandma? You look as though you are in pain. Can I get you something,” asked a worried Geraldine.

    “Oh, I just feel a bit sick from traveling and I have a headache that has caused a fever. Please, go get me some medication. I ordered some before I came just in case. You will see it on a shelf somewhere at the local market,” replied a sick grandma.

   So, after Geraldine had led her grandma to bed she went to the store with 20 dollars. When she got there Geraldine went strait to shelf full of medications, but on her way she noticed a delicious candy bar on the shelf, which was very rare in her time period. The candy bar was five dollars and the medicine was 20, just like she thought. She looked at the medicine and noticed that there stood a 15 dollar medication that wouldn’t help too well.

    “If I bought this medicine I would have enough money for the for the candy bar too. Besides, the 15 dollar medication is only a little less quality,” thought Geraldine.

      In the end, Geraldine left with a bottle of 15 dollar medicine in one hand and a candy bar in the other, but, unfortunately, the next morning she woke up with a burning hot fever and when she took the medicine it didn’t even help one bit.

     Geraldine knew this was the consequences for her actions in only buying the 15 dollar medication. The moment she did it God had to punish her to show her that what she did was wrong she ought not think of doing it again. She found that God forgave her for her wrong doing and He took care of her in during her feverish hours, but she still had to accept the consequences for her selfish actions.

    God loved her and He wanted her to know what she did was wrong. He allowed her to find that she had to be punished for her actions so she wouldn’t do it again, but He never stopped loving her no matter what!

Mini Ice Cream Cake Surprise


  • package strawberry short cakes
  • your choice of ice cream
  • reddi whip
  • maraschino cherries


  • chocolate sauce
  • caramel sauce
  • mini chocolate chips


  1. Take your ice cream and your shortcakes out and get started by making sure the ice cream is nice and soft. If an adult can easily scoop some out then you are ready for the next step. If your ice cream is pretty frozen you can stick it in the microwave for intervals of ten seconds until it is nice and soft.
  2. Once you are done with the first step you can take a spoon full of ice cream and place it in the hole of the short cake. Then, smooth it over so it will look nice and pretty when you are done. Do this with all your cakes and then stick them in the freezer until right before you eat them.
  3. When you are ready to eat them you can shake your reddi whip, take the cap off, face the tip of the bottle down to your ice cream surprise, and press the tip sideways almost. Next, you can just hold it, pressing the tip almost sideways, and the reddi whip should squirt out nicely over top your ice cream. Continue to do this till all your strawberry shortcakes have a lovely squirting on top. If you are confused with this step make sure to a grown-up for help. They can thoroughly teach you how to do it right.
  4. Your mini ice cream cake surprises are almost done. All you need to do is add the finishing touch. If you have at least one optional ingredient you may pour or sprinkle it on top and then you can finish it off with a maraschino cherry on top. Now, your dessert id ready and you can enjoy!

Good Night and Good Morning
~Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

A fair little girl sat under a tree,
Sewing as long as her eyes could see;
Then smoothed her work, and folded it right,
And said, “Dear work, good night! good night!”

Such a number of rooks came over her head,
Crying, “Caw! Caw!” on their way to bed;
She said, as she watched their curious flight,
“Little black things, good night! good night!”

The horses neighed, and the oxen lowed,
The sheep’s “Bleat! bleat!” came over the road;
All seeming to say, with a quiet delight,
“Good little girl, good night! good night!”

She did not say to the sun, “Good night!”
Though she saw him there like a ball of light,
For she knew he had God’s time to keep
All over the world, and never could sleep.

The tall pink foxglove bowed his head,
The violets curtsied and went to bed;
And good little Lucy tied up her hair,
And said on her knees her favourite prayer.

And while on her pillow she softly lay,
She knew nothing more till again it was day;
And all things said to the beautiful sun,
“Good morning! good morning! our work is begun!

New Coming Posts

  • Making a Friend
  • Valentines Day Activity: Jesus is My Friend
  • Unknown

This was the TF Daily Newsletter! I hope you enjoyed and will consider trying the ice cream surprise recipe! If you try it make sure to tell me how it was in the comments. I would love to hear. I made up the recipe myself. So, you could even give me some pointers. It’s a quick dessert you can put together! Oh, and one more thing, please, please, please come back to read the next newsletter. A new story line will be out and I am planning on sharing a delicious Alfredo (a yummy dinner my mom makes all the time) recipe. Though, in the mean time, thanks for reading. Make sure to follow Tenacious Faith and enhance yourself  with God’s word when you read and get to know Him better!


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  • Leslie

    Very nice blog this week! I have a question about the shortcake recipe. Do you think it would taste good with just strawberry or vanilla ice cream or have you tried another flavor? Just curious. Thanks! <3

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