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Christmas Weekly Post-Day 5 And 6

   Have you ever planted a candy cane? Well, why not start today? Happy holidays Tenacious Faith! Today, even for you, girls, that are a little older than some I thought this would be fun. It can be a memory you look back on.

   “I planted a candy cane when I was (age) years old and when it was ready to be pulled out I pulled it and ate it and it delicious,” exclaimed you!  This activity will work best if you do it for a little brother or sister. They will think it’s amazing! Look down below for the directions.


  • coffee mug
  • 2 to 3 hot coco mixes
  • one striped mint
  • one candy cane
  • a candy cane planter (you)


  1. Put your hot coco mixes in the coffee mug. You can do how ever many you want. Although, you may need to chop off some candy cane.
  2. Use your candy cane planter (again, you) to stick in your striped mint. You don’t need to stick it in far.
  3. Then, on Christmas morning put the candy cane in it to replace the mint. Wa la. You just grew a candy cane. Show it to a little brother or sister. They will think it’s so cool. If it is okay with your parents, pull it out and taste the sweet candy. You can use the coco mixes in the mug depending on how much you used to share with your family. Enjoy!!

   This little trick is so fun and entertaining. If you try it on a little brother or sister tell me how it went. I bet all the family will burst out laughing! By the way, what did everybody ask for for Christmas? I don’t get cable TV with commercials and channels. So, I don’t know all about the new toys coming out and the new movies. I’m counting on you to keep in track on the comments.

   I didn’t really ask for anything because I can’t figure out what I want, but my mama says it wasn’t hard one bit to shop for me this Christmas. She said she didn’t think I remembered all the things I asked for this year for Christmas. So, it was easy. I don’t know. I must have forgotten because I still can’t think of anything I want. Although, I had this same problem last year. Isn’t that funny?

Okay. So, that was day 5 and 6. I know Christmas Eve is tomorrow. So, I will actually not be posting a post on Christmas Eve night because I am going to be posting a post about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together in the next two weeks.  I know I said there would be a post on Christmas day and on Christmas Eve, but I thought it would be more fun to post in the next two weeks so you can see my whole Christmas day in action and it should give you some good family time. Thanks for reading. Here are some more Christmas jokes.

  • Why did Santa get a ticket on Christmas Eve? — He left his sleigh in a snow parking zone.
  • What’s Santa’s favorite sandwich? — Peanut butter and jolly.
  • What kind of ball doesn’t bounce? — A snowball.
  • Who lives at the North Pole, makes toys and rides around in a pumpkin? — Cinder-“elf”-a.
  • What do you get when you cross a bell with a skunk? — Jingle smells.



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