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Christmas Weekly Post-Day 3 and 4


    For day 3 and 4 on Tenacious Faith I have a fun thing for you to do. Lemonade!!! Lemons are actually in season right now. So, I thought it would be fun to share a super simple, easy lemonade recipe to put a spunky twist on hot chocolate and donuts. Look down below to make your homemade lemonade.


  • 4 large lemons/6 small lemons
  • 3/4 granulated sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 to 4 cups cold water


  1. Cut your lemons in half with a sharp knife on a cutting board and either juice the lemons with a lemon juicer or squeeze it into a bowl. It should make a 1/2 cup of lemon juice. If you have seeds use a strainer to strain them out or use a spoon to pick them out.
  2. Put the 1 cup of water and the 3/4 cup of sugar in a sauce pan and bring it to a simmer making sure all the sugar is devolved. Once it is at a simmer take it off the heat.
  3. Then, pour your water/sugar mixture and the lemon juice in a pitcher or some water bottle with a wide lid. Try your lemonade and then, use the 2 to 4 cups of water to dilute it to the flavor that you want. Also, keep in mind that you will want to put ice cubes in your glasses when you serve it and that will dilute it a little too. Depending on the size of who all your serving I would say double the recipe. It makes enough for about a full glass for at least 3 people. Keep your lemonade in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

Tips: I would refrigerate it for about 30 to 40 minutes before serving it. Then, I would serve it with ice cubes because lemonade tastes best when it’s cold. I would also say if you wanted to, buy an extra lemon and slice it to put on the glasses for decor. You know we, girls, like our homemade dishes to be fancy, fancy, fancy!

   So, today’s activity is super simple and there’s just one. My family has lots of fun things going on that I can’t wait to share. My family and I went to visit our extended family this Monday and Tuesday. We had to drive an hour and a half and it was pretty cool. We saw some really pretty mountains.

   The reason I actually decided to share the lemonade recipe is because we went to my aunts house and she has a  huge lemon tree with like a thousand lemons it seems. We picked two towering buckets and we made lemonade with them and lemon cookies, witch I would share, but I don’t have the recipe. So, I really hope you enjoy the lemonade, and your family as well. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful 3 days till Christmas.

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