
Thankful for Thanks Giving

     So, this past Thursday we celebrated Thanks Giving. As Christians we see Thanks Giving as a great time to show all we’re thankful for. Today we’re talking about why it is so important to be thankful for all you have.

   Did you know in some places people don’t have toys, things to be clean, they don’t have cloths or food either. In the Bible Jesus says to be thankful. He explains that those who are contented with what they have are blessed, but those who are greedy and beg for more will not be satisfied. Being contented means to be happy and joyful with what you have. So, Jesus says that those who are contented shall be blessed; meaning if you are satisfied, if you are happy with what you have you will be blessed.

     Though, if you are not contented, if you not thankful, but if you are greedy and beg for more you will not be satisfied. You will not be contented. The reason you should be thankful for all you have is because Jesus gives us so much and if I’m correct He doesn’t just give us the things need. He also gives us the things we want too. Sometimes He doesn’t give us everything we want, but he does do what’s best for us.

    Before we close off though I really want you to see that if we are not thankful for the things we do have you will never be thankful for the things you get. We are blessed today with so many things you must see how grateful we should be. So, choose to be thankful and not greedy or selfish. Look inside yourself and really understand the decisions you make will effect everybody. Make good choices and be thankful!  Thanks for reading!

For some review answer these questions:

  1. What does it mean to be contented?
  2. Why do you think it is good to be contented and thankful for what you have?
  3. Why should you be thankful for the things you have?
  4. What are 3 things you’re thankful for?

Prayer time:

Thank you Jesus for everything you give us. Please, help us to be thankful for what we have and not greedy and ungrateful. We love you Lord. In Your name we pray, Amen.

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