
Why Do We Go To Church-TF

       Happy Sunday! How is everyone? Today we are talking about a very important subject. Why we go to church. Well, why do we go to church? It’s because:

  1. We need fellowship with other people

  2. It shows respect to God

  3. It gives us the opportunity to tithe and praise God

     Lets talk about number 1, we need fellowship with other people. Fellowship is the social time we spend with other people. The reason we need fellowship is because God made us to be friends, to have fun together, and to praise him together. It’s not only good for our soul it pleases him.

     Number 2, is it shows respect to God. This isn’t hard to explain because all we have to do is realize how much God does for us and how going to church glorifies him and makes him happy. Respect is something that shows in us, to God, when we go to church. He is amazing. He is merciful, and he deserves our respect.

       Now, the last one, number 3, it gives us an opportunity to tithe and praise Him. Church also gives you an opportunity to tithe out of our own hearts. Tithing is when you give money to God and it is used to help the church and other people.

      Church also lets us praise him whenever. Now a days you can’t just pray out loud when you want to. That’s because some people have different believes than us. We believe in the one true God, but because of sin many people don’t. So, church lets us praise and glorify Him without haste. That is why going to church is important, not because we have to and not because you’re supposed to, but because it pleases Him. Thanks for reading!

Psalm 18:1-2

I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

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