TF Daily Newsletter

TF Daily Newsletter

TF Newsletter

Welcome to Tenacious Faith’s daily newsletter. You may look below to find a few things that might interest you. First, you’ll find a little blog with a super cool story, The Sword In The Stone. Then, you’ll find a fun recipe on how to make spaghetti. Next, you’ll find a nice poem. After that, you’ll find out all about new coming posts and see answered questions. Have fun!

The Sword In The Stone

   One snowy, Christmas day in London, there stood a grand church yard where many troubled people gathered together. For their beloved king had just died and they mourned for him, but they also longed to have a new one. Although they had no idea who to chose since there was no heir to the throne, they were all in thought.

    As the people were heading inside the embellished church, something magical happened. They saw a bright, burning light shining before their eyes. When the light died down they saw the most beautiful sword carved into the middle of a massive rock. One  of the priest near by went over to the stone and tried to pull the sword from it, but he could not pull it out! When the people saw his doing they had a new idea for how to find their new king.

     The sorrowful, yet newly hopeful people decided to host a trying tournament for all the people in the land. After the tournament was over they would see who could pull the sword from the stone and that person would become king. One of the families in the tournament was Sir Kay’s. His little brother, Arthur, around the age of 16, came with him. And lucky he did, because when they got to the tournament, Sir Kay realized he forgot his sword.

    He ran to Arthur demanding him to get his sword. Arthur did as told, but he knew the tournament would begin before he was back. He thought to himself, “There must be other swords around here.” Then, he rode past the glowing church yard and he saw the sword in the stone. He went to pull it out not knowing that if he did, he would become king. Unknowingly, He easily pulled the sword out and ran back to his brother.

   When he came back to the tournament with the sword, people started to stare. Then, he heard about the sword in the stone and realized he was the new king of London. The entire crowd rejoiced. They found their king! “Hooray for King Arthur!”


Food Ingredients:

  • Ground Turkey
  • Garlic
  • Pepper
  • Your Choice: Spaghetti Sauce
  • Your Choice: Spaghetti Noodles
  • Olive Oil
  • Hawaiian Salt


  • Big Sauce Pot
  • Little Sauce Pot
  • Colander
  • Big Fork
  • Plastic Mixing Spoon
  • Little Plastic Spoon


  1.  Fill your big sauce pot a little over half with water, set pot on stove top burner, and set burner to high,(10) then add a tiny bit of olive oil in water and one turn of Hawaiian Salt(let boil)
  2. With heat at 7 put ground turkey into small sauce pot,use little plastic spoon to scoop some garlic into meat, and turn pepper 4-5 times on the meat as well(stir continually)(make sure lid is on when not stirring)
  3. When water is boiled turn heat down to 8 and crack noodles into water facing away from you(ask a parent for help)Then, look at noodle pack and follow instructions for how long to cook(stir continually with big fork)
  4. When meat is done and there are no more red spots,  turn burner to 5 and pour spaghetti sauce into pot( make sure meat is grounded good) (stir continually)
  5. When noodles are done take one out to taste, if the noodles taste as you want follow step 6 bellow(ask a parent for help)
  6. Put a colander into sink, take noodles off stove and drain by facing the pot away from you and slowly pouring water and noodles into colander, shake colander to get all the water out, then pour noodles back into pot(ask a parent for help)
  7. Take sauce off stove and enjoy( remember to turn stove off all the way)

Poem: Time To Rise

A birdie with a yellow bill hopped upon the window sill, cocked his shining eye and said, “Ain’t you shamed you sleepy head.”

New Coming Posts:                         No Questions

  • The Second Mile
  • Why Do We Go To Church
  • Unknown

In The Second Mile you will read about something I noticed when doing a work for God. You will also see how great God really is and get to know him more. In Why Do We Go To Church you will read about the important reasons we go to church by exploring the Bible and seeing why church is really important!

Thank you for reading!

Sorry this is late.


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