
Making a Friend-TF

   One of the really important adventures that I want to share with you is something I recently experienced, how to make a good friend. Since I’ve been home schooled I’ve been with a home school group with lots of other home schooled kids, but then my group changed. You see, every Monday I went to a church facility. We had tutors and our own classes. We had a director, who is just like a principle and we did school with all the other home schooled kids. Then, our director left the community and so did lots of other people. We are still with the community, but it is a lot smaller and there are only two other girls my age.

     At first, I didn’t know how to become good friends with them. We were a little different in personalities and I didn’t know  how to keep a good conversation going. I asked questions and tried my best to become good friends. When I was getting frustrated with the way things were going my dad said something that I won’t forget. He said you need to just keep asking questions and get the people your working with comfortable. Really get know them until you can keep a good conversation going.

       At last, I did it. I followed my dad’s wise advice and they started talking to me more and now on Monday I sit with them at lunch and we have a great time. I know it can get frustrating, but don’t give up. If you don’t know what questions to ask, I have set a list below and I know that sometimes making friends is hard. So, don’t get mad and know that Jesus knows what your going through. If you read about Moses in the Bible, God says to him, “I have heard the cry’s of my people.”

     Then, as you know, He rescues them and forgives their sins and He will do the same thing for you.That’s the end of this post. Enjoy!


  1. What hobbies do you have?

  2. What is your favorite food?

  3. What is your favorite color?

  4. What’s your favorite sport?

  5. Do you like this?

  6. Do you like that?

  7. How many siblings do you have?

  8. Where do like to shop?

  9. Do you like to bake?

  10. Do you like your hair long or short?

  11. Do you like wearing dresses?

  12. Have you ever been here or there?

  13. What do like to play?

  14. What’s your favorite show?

  15. How long can you hold your breath under water?

  16.  Do you wear earrings?

    Thanks for reading! Here are some fun jokes.

Why did the boy bring a latter to school? So he could climb to high school.

Why did summer catch autumn? Because autumn is fall.

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