
Saying Hello-TF

   Hi, my name is Hannah. What’s yours?

   This is, Tenacious Faith blog. My name is Hannah and I am so excited to be your guide to a faithful, healthy life with my many adventures and mistakes to share. I can’t wait to start blogging, but first, I want you to get to know me. See what we have in common and find out more about Tenacious Faith blog in the next two paragraphs.

   Well, first things first, like little things. Such as, my favorite color is pink, and I enjoy baking. My favorite food is sushi and I’ve been home schooled  since I was eight. I have two dogs named Coco and Woolly. I love life and try to be the best I can be, but I’m DEFINITELY not perfect.

    My goal on Tenacious Faith blog is to have fun writing and help raise your faith in Jesus. I am a christian young lady at the age of ten and everything I write on this blog will hopefully bring you closer to the Lord!

        Psalm 25:9-10

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.

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